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Bankwatch blog

March 11, 2013
 | by Iryna Holovko

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is expected to take a decision tomorrow on whether or not to provide a EUR 300 million loan for a nuclear power plant Safety Upgrade Programme in Ukraine. This article from our quarterly Bankwatch Mail sums up the issues at hand.

Energy & climate, Other harmful projects
March 7, 2013
 | by Ionut Apostol

A new report calculates the effects of coal-fired power generation across Europe on chronic lung disease and some heart conditions and the associated costs. It is another clue for both the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank to end support for coal as the two revise their energy policies.

Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts
February 22, 2013
 | by Patrycja Romaniuk

Our competition for ideas for EU funds investments that benefit the sustainable development of European communities could offer inspiration for EU and national decision makers. At the final award ceremony in Brussels, the winners told us about their ideas and how EU funding could benefit their countries.

EU Funds
February 21, 2013
 | by Vladlena Martsynkevych

Challenging a mining operation that generates about ten percent of GDP in a country and particularly doing so on environmental and social grounds is an intimidating task. But as the example of the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan shows, indefatigability and scientific expertise can persuade decision-makers to defend the interests of a country and its people.

Social & economic impacts, Other harmful projects, Mining
February 15, 2013
 | by Vladlena Martsynkevych

New civil society recommendations for the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia illustrate that much more than the bottom line needs to be considered to avoid development at the expense of local communities.

EBRD, World Bank Group
Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts, Other harmful projects, Mining
February 13, 2013
 | by Alena Miskun

If you thought the purpose of a nature reserve is to protect wildlife from disruptive human interference, then you're wrong – at least when it comes to nature that's in the way of electricity infrastructure in Ukraine.

Energy & climate
February 8, 2013
 | by Anna Roggenbuck

A meeting of civil society and the European Investment Bank's Board of Directors saw a surprising degree of agreement between two often adverse groups.

Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts
February 7, 2013
 | by Markus Trilling

Live from the EU budget negotiations in Brussels ...

EU Funds
February 6, 2013
 | by Pippa Gallop

With the dubious economics of the Šoštanj 6 lignite power plant depending partly on keeping the price of lignite low, small shareholders who would have to forego their profits are not thrilled at the prospect.

Energy & climate
February 4, 2013
 | by Sven Haertig-Tokarz

A campaign against a new lignite power plant in Kosovo uses World Bank figures to highlight the health damage resulting from pollution.

EBRD, World Bank Group
Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts