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MHP: 'Business a usual' while communities suffer

Ukraine’s monopolist poultry producer, MHP, has received more than half a billion euros in loans from the EBRD and other public banks including the European Investment Bank, the International Finance Corporation and export credit agencies like Atradius.

These massive investments have not brought the company’s performance and culture in line with the relevant EU and EBRD standards. Rural communities in Cherkasy, Vinnytsya and the Dnipropetrovsk regions say that if the company continues with ‘business as usual’ they will face more violence and suppression of their opinions.

Georgia's highlanders against hydropower


As the Georgian government moves ahead with its plans for increasing the country’s hydropower capacity, local communities are being sidelined in the process of compensation payments.

'Cooperation', but not as we know it - Ukrainian civil society resists efforts to be co-opted by big agro


The controversial Ukrainian agribusiness giant Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) tries to handle community relations by putting publicity spin on the outcomes of a long overdue discussion with civil society.

[Campaign update] EBRD confirms negative impacts of Albanian hydropower plants on people and the environment


It’s been a hot summer all over the Balkans. A heatwave called Lucifer struck Albania, drying up its river and causing numerous forest fires. Since Albania relies 90% on hydropower for its electricity, the drought resulted in a significant drop in production, forcing Albania to import 80 percent of it electricity.

Why the EIB should not finance TANAP

This briefing outlines and summarises key issues of concern for civil society organisations in relation to a potential loan by the EIB for the Trans-Anatolian gas Pipeline (TANAP) which is part of the Southern Gas Corridor.

Systematic shortcomings will deprive people affected by Georgian dam of compensation


An assessment of livelihoods of people to be affected by the Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia contains mistakes that will lead to significant losses for locals.

Failing local communities - the Land Assessment and Livelihoods Restoration Plan for the Nenskra dam

A field investigation conducted by CEE Bankwatch Network in the Nenskra and Nakra valleys in Upper Svaneti in Georgia during two visits in July 2017 has found evidence that the Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Plan (LALRP) developed by the project company JSC Nenkra Hydro is inaccurate and fails to properly map, assess and provide adequate compensation for people affected by the project, especially for those that are significantly and severely affected by the planned Nenskra hydropower plant.

Nuclear safety in Europe: decision-making behind closed doors?


European citizens don’t want to be left out of decision-making over nuclear power. But a recent meeting of the Espoo Convention reveals how concerns over reactor life-time extensions are being sidelined.

EU urged to honour Paris Agreement, withdraw support for gas mega-pipeline

Brussels, Belgium -- In an open letter released today, climate scientists, indigenous leaders, environmental and social justice groups, actors and artists call on the European Union to immediately withdraw its support for a gas mega-pipeline that would ‘destroy Europe’s climate targets’.

Nuclear accountability curbed by EU politics and industry interests


A meeting of the parties to the UN convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Espoo) helped to showcase the influence that politics and the nuclear industry lobby have over decisions that have potentially severe impacts on European citizens’ health and the environment.

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