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Bankwatch member groups


Centre for Environmental Information and Education (CEIE) works on a variety of issues, including public awareness campaigns, environmental education, institutional development, publishing, co-ordination of local NGOs' activities countrywide, lobbying, monitoring of IFI's, and special campaigns in energy and energy efficiency/renewables, transportation, water problems, etc.


Za Zemiata is a Bulgarian environmental organisation working towards the establishment of a just and nature-sensible life on our planet. Za Zemiata's activities are directed towards limiting the unbalanced impact of globalisation trends through large-scale projects promoted and funded by international financial institutions and transnational corporations.


Zelena Akcija was founded in 1990 and is a leading non-governmental organization for environmental protection in Croatia. Its activist approach is based on a small team of professionals that supports the work of numerous volunteers and activists, who cover a wide range of topics in their work.

Czech Republic

Hnuti DUHA was founded in 1989 as a local environmental initiative in the city of Brno. Since then it has grown into an influential national organisation with dozens of active local chapters all over the Czech Republic and two centres in Brno (co-ordination) and Prague (media and lobbying).

In 1994 Hnuti DUHA became the Czech member group of Friends of the Earth International and in 1995 it was one of the founding members of CEE Bankwatch Network.

Czech Republic

Centre for Transport and Energy (Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku - CDE) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. CDE was founded in 1995 with the goal of building and reinforcing a wide platform of groups and individuals who are interested in work towards sustainable transport and energy future.


Estonian Green Movement-FoE (Eesti Roheline Liikumine - ERL) is a non-governmental, non-profit environmental organisation. It was founded in 1988 as one of the first environmental NGOs in Estonia.

ERL earned credit as a leader in the Estonian independence movement. In its activities ERL is backed by a nation-wide network of more than 1000 individual members.


Green Alternative is a Georgian non-governmental organisation formed in mid-2000, with the mission to develop and promote economically viable and socially desirable development alternatives, and to protect the environment of Georgia and its biological and cultural heritage.


The National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary (MTVSZ) was established in April 1989 when 32 environmental and conservation groups united. The number of members and the quality of our collaboration have increased since then and now almost 100 local and regional organisations are part of the Society with more than 30 000 members.


Latvian Green Movement (Latvijas Zala kustiba - LZK) is an open and democratic membership organisation that brings together environmental activists, volunteers and experts who want to actively work to improve the quality of the environment and to prevent environmental damages.


The community “Atgaja” was established by a group of young idealists in Kaunas, July 1987. Since then Atgaja was among most active environmental groups in Lithuania and had an influence on the development of the Lithuanian environmental movement.


Eko-svest (Eco-sense) was established on September 18, 2002 in Skopje. It is a nonprofit, non-governmental, environmental organisation.

Eko-svest's interests cover waste management, sustainable transport, the promotion of transparency in the work of international financial institutions (IFIs) in Macedonia, protection of the environment and cultural heritage, promotion of sustainable energy sources, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).


Polish Green Network (Polska Zielona Siec - PGN) is an association of leading regional environmental NGOs in Poland. The network carries out awareness raising campaigns and policy work aimed at promoting sustainable development.


Sakhalin Environment Watch (SEW) is an independent, non-partisan, non-government organization whose mission is to protect the natural ecosystems of the Sakhalin region in Russia. SEW's main goals are protecting and defending the environment and nature of the Sakhalin region, conducting public environment control, defending ecological rights and legal interests of citizens.


Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development (Centar za ekologiju i održivi razvoj - CEKOR) is an environmental and development organisation. Apart from monitoring international financial institutions' activities in Serbia CEKOR is working on issues in the areas of transport, waste, biodiversity, genetically modified organisms (GMO) and making the city of Subotica sustainable.

CEKOR is an affiliate (pending) member of Bankwatch and is cooperating with us for several years already.


Friends of the Earth-CEPA (Center for Environmental Public Advocacy (FoE-CEPA)) is a not-for-profit non-governmental organisation in Slovakia. The organisation's objectives include promoting environmental, social and economic justice, supporting sustainable regional development and strengthening effective participation of citizens in decision-making processes linked with public interest issues.


National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU) was one of the first nation-wide non-governmental organisations in the newly independent Ukraine. It has 24 local branches throughout Ukraine. NECU's mission is to work for the creation of a sound environment and to improve the quality of people's lives in Ukraine.