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Centre for Transport and Energy

Centre for Transport and Energy (Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku - CDE) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. CDE was founded in 1995 with the goal of building and reinforcing a wide platform of groups and individuals who are interested in work towards sustainable transport and energy future.

We understand energy efficiency in its broadest possible sense, and therefore our activity comprises also transport and climate change issues.

Our activity is not confined to the borders of the Czech Republic, we participate actively in international networks. Apart from CEE Bankwatch Network, we are member of INFORSE (International Network for Sustainable Energy) and Climate Action Network.


Na Rozcesti 1434/6
190 00 Praha 9 – Liben
Czech Republic

Tel./Fax: +420 274 816 571
Tel.: +420-274 782 208

Email: cde at ecn.cz
