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Who we are

We're the largest network of grassroots, environmental groups in central and eastern Europe. We monitor the activities of banks and funds that are often obscure but always important entities that function outside the realm of public scrutiny. We prevent dubious public investments that harm the planet and people’s well-being.

Bankwatch staff in November 2016

Operating since 1995 in countries that have undergone significant social and economic transformation, we work from North Africa to Central Asia.

Together with local communities and other NGOs we expose the influence of international financial institutions and provide a counterbalance to their unchecked power.

We also promote environmentally, socially and economically sustainable alternatives to their policies and projects.

Our vision

... is an environmentally, socially and economically just world, built on solidarity, participation and respect for ecological limits. People enjoy fulfilling lives and are aware of and responsible for the consequences of their actions.

Read more in our leaflet (pdf)

Our contribution

To make this vision become reality, we are working to prevent the environmentally and socially harmful impacts of international development finance, and to promote alternative solutions and public participation.

Our values

In our work, we pay attention to values shared by our staff and member groups: trust, justice, solidarity/team work, diversity, value of nature and people, critical thinking, believe in change, integrity, dedication to the cause, grassroots approach and openness.