Home >> Office >> Eko-svest


Eko-svest (Eco-sense) was established on September 18, 2002 in Skopje. It is a nonprofit, non-governmental, environmental organisation.

Eko-svest's interests cover waste management, sustainable transport, the promotion of transparency in the work of international financial institutions (IFIs) in Macedonia, protection of the environment and cultural heritage, promotion of sustainable energy sources, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Eko-svest interacts with the Macedonian government and IFIs to improve transparency and public participation. It also advocates for the need and benefits of transparency in the business sector. Eko-svest is also helping affected communities in their fight against projects with negative environmental and social impacts.


Bul. Sv. Kiril I Metodij 30/I-6
1000 Skopje

Tel.: +38 923 217 247 (245)
Fax: +38 923 217 246

Email: ana at bankwatch.org
