Home >> Office >> National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary

National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary

The National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary (MTVSZ) was established in April 1989 when 32 environmental and conservation groups united. The number of members and the quality of our collaboration have increased since then and now almost 100 local and regional organisations are part of the Society with more than 30 000 members.

The overall objective of our activities is to contribute actively to the conservation of nature as a whole. It is the only way to achieve sustainable development and our society is committed to raising public awareness on this subject, to planning and fulfilling actions in this regard, and to cooperating with all like minded organisations and citizens towards the realisation of our overall objective.


Mailing address
1450 Bp. Pf.: 123.

Visiting address
Üllői út 91/b
H-1091 Budapest

Tel: +36 12 167 297
Tel./Fax: +36 12 167 295

Email: info at mtvsz.hu
