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Polish Green Network

Polish Green Network (Polska Zielona Siec - PGN) is an association of leading regional environmental NGOs in Poland. The network carries out awareness raising campaigns and policy work aimed at promoting sustainable development.

Main areas of activity include: monitoring the use of public funds, influencing trade and corporate practice through consumer choices, support for sustainable development and civil society of the Global South and Eastern Europe, campaigns related to climate change.

PGN consists of regional centres in major Polish cities. These coordinate projects and campaigns and establish contacts with national and international authorities. There are currently eight such centres in Warsaw, Lodz, Szczecin, Torun, Bialystok, Poznan, Lublin and Wroclaw.


Main office in Warsaw
ul. Raszynska 32/44 lok. 140
02-026 Warszawa

Tel.: +48 22 892 00 86

Email: info at zielonasiec.pl

Regional office in Szczecin (incl. Bankwatch staff)
ul. Kaszubska 57/204
70-402 Szczecin

Tel.: +48 91 8803872
Fax: +48 91 8803870
