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EU neighbourhood

Ukrainischer Strom: aus veralteten AKWs

Source: Barbara Ladinser, oe1 / ORF

Nach der Atomkatastrophe von Tschernobyl könnte man meinen, dass die Erfahrung mit dem Supergau die Ukraine zur Abkehr von der Atomenergie bewogen hätte. Aber das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Bis heute deckt das Land die Hälfte des Strombedarfs mit Kernenergie. An vier Standorten werden dafür insgesamt 15 Reaktoren betrieben. Aber laut Umweltschützern wurden sechs davon bereits über ihre vorgesehene Laufzeit von 30 Jahren hinaus verlängert. Das missfällt auch der österreichischen Regierung.

Lawsuits and complaints pile up against planned Bosnia and Herzegovina coal power plants

Sarajevo-based environmental watchdog Ekotim has submitted on Friday (October 14) an official complaint to the Energy Community dispute settlement mechanism (1) due to lax pollution limits for a new Chinese-backed 450 MW unit at the Tuzla coal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The partnership principle and public participation in neighbouring countries: experiences with the European Neighbourhood Regulation

This paper highlights the deficiencies of the partnership principle and public participation within the European Neighbourhood Policy, in terms of addressing the political and cultural situation in the region. The paper provides recommendations for improvement during the midterm review of the European Neighbourhood Instrument and the proposal from the Commission proposal for a legislative framework for the new EU budget 2021-2027. The paper is based on the experience of CEE Bankwatch Network and its partners between 2012 and 2016.

New life for old nukes in Ukraine means more risk for people and planet

A decision today by Ukraine’s nuclear regulator to extend the operations of another Soviet-era reactor has been made in spite of the country’s failure to implement fully the obligations it took on when receiving EU funding for its ageing nuclear fleet.

Guest post: China stokes global coal growth


China cuts coal at home but state owned companies and banks drive new coal expansion overseas, despite top level promises of green growth for developing countries, writes Beth Walker from China Dialogue.

Southern Gas Corridor under more pressure

Source: Annemarie Botzki, Interfax Global Energy

Russia’s plan to revive the Turkish Stream pipeline and the Interconnector Turkey-Greece-Italy (ITGI) project could put future projects along the proposed Southern Gas Corridor under even more pressure.

Gulmira Rzayeva, senior research fellow at Azerbaijan’s Center for Strategic Studies, said the pipeline could affect the second stage of field development in Azerbaijan, including as Absheron, which is forecast to begin production in late 2021. [...]

Guest post: The last coal plant in the Western Balkans?


The Stanari lignite power plant in Bosnia officially starts operations today. If we are to have any hope of tackling climate change, it had better be the last one in the region.

For European development bank democracy is an afterthought


Almost one in four euros lent by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 2015 went to authoriatrian countries. The bank has clearly decided to ignore its own mandate, or else it would have to considerably shrink its business.

Gas pipelines run over EU energy policy

Source: Terry Macalister, Climate News Network

Critics claim €3bn European funding for the Southern Gas Corridor energy project would undermine EU climate change targets and gloss over human rights abuses.

LONDON, 14 September, 2016 – Civil society campaigners have accused the European Union of pouring unprecedented amounts of state aid into a huge energy project that runs counter to its own climate change objectives.

Saporoschje bleibt weiter am Netz

Source: Bernhard Clasen, taz

Die Laufzeit des größten Atomkraftwerks in Europa wurde verlängert. Doch die Kritiker zweifeln an der Sicherheit des Reaktors.

KIEW taz | Europas größtes Atomkraftwerk, das AKW Saporoschje in der Ostukraine, geht in die Laufzeitverlängerung. Am Dienstag beschloss die ukrainische Atombehörde einstimmig, die Laufzeit des ersten der insgesamt sechs Reaktoren um weitere neun Jahre zu verlängern. Er ist seit Dezember 1985 am Netz und hat seine ursprünglich auf 30 Jahre ausgelegte Lebenszeit erreicht.

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