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EU-Geld für schmutziges Gold

Source: Heike Holdinghausen, taz.de

Die Kumtor-Mine verseucht das Land. Die Europäische Entwicklungsbank ist daran beteiligt. Das könnte Merkel in Kirgistan ansprechen.

BERLIN taz | Noch nie war ein deutscher Regierungschef in der kirgisischen Hauptstadt Bisch­kek, insofern betritt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) auf ihrer Reise Neuland.

Interviewing the EBRD about the Kumtor gold mine

This interview was conducted during the EBRD annual meeting and business forum, 14-15 May 2015 in Tbilisi. The interview was led by Ryskeldi Satke (RS) with Dr. Alistair Clark (AC), EBRD’s Managing Director Environment and Sustainability Department; Michaela Bergman (MB), EBRD’s Chief Counselor for Social Issues Environment and Sustainability Department; and Dr. Dariusz Prasek (DP), Director, Project Appraisal Environment Department.

Kyrgyzstan and the conflict over natural resources

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country rich in water and natural resources. The country is one of 2000 priority ecological regions of the planet with unique ecosystems and biodiversity and is considered the “water tower” of Central Asia due to its Tien Shan glacier reserves. The management of Kyrgyzstan’s natural resources is crucial to the future sustainability of the country. However in a region where poverty is widespread, the primacy placed on economic development seriously threats sustainability.

Constant dripping wears away the stone. Kyrgyz parliament votes to renegotiate Kumtor gold mine contract.


Challenging a mining operation that generates about ten percent of GDP in a country and particularly doing so on environmental and social grounds is an intimidating task. But as the example of the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan shows, indefatigability and scientific expertise can persuade decision-makers to defend the interests of a country and its people.

Rio Tinto's responsibilities in Mongolia extend beyond shareholders


New civil society recommendations for the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia illustrate that much more than the bottom line needs to be considered to avoid development at the expense of local communities.

The EBRD's new Mining Operations Policy: A commentary on consultation process and content

The long awaited EBRD Mining Operations Policy was released last week without much noise. It has taken the EBRD more than 3 years to prepare a document which had raised hopes it could improve the bank's activities in the mining sector. Most of these hopes, however, have not been fulfilled.

The EBRD in Mongolia: Economic diversity is something else


Investment data for Mongolia illustrates that without improving the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s plans for the mining sector, the bank may add to the dependence on raw materials exports in resource rich countries.

Mining in protected areas, an update on Kumtor and Centerra Gold


Centerra Gold is being criticised for its activities in protected areas at the Kumtor gold mine and at another project in Mongolia. More lessons to be learnt for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Out of left field: A Kyrgyz inspiration for the EBRD


Following the publication of one official and one shadow report on the Kumtor gold mine, Kyrgyz authorities have responded to the calls of Bankwatch and other environmental groups to take a tougher stance on the Kumtor mining operations. The EBRD should follow their example.

Kumtor gold facilities, Kyrgyzstan: Comments on water, environmental and related issues

This report, authored by hydrogeologist and geochemist Dr. Robert Moran, reveals that Canadian company Centerra Gold, owner and operator of the Kumtor gold mine, has been contaminating local waters and glaciers while hiding evidence of such negative impacts from public oversight.

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