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Namibian smelter expansion risks deepening environmental and health problems


As it nears two years of a Bankwatch visit to the copper smelter in Namibia and the uncovering of an unsafe arsenic disposal site, a planned expansion has revealed so far undisclosed environmental information.

[Campaign update] EU urged to act on Western Balkans smog after alarming pollution levels were found


Results of more than half a year of independent air pollution monitoring in the Balkans have been launched today. During a conference at the European Parliament, MEPs, European Commission and Energy Community representatives, NGOs and citizens groups called for urgent action on air pollution in the Western Balkans.

Western Balkans holds breath for better air quality


In the Western Balkans, air pollution can be a fatal problem, made worse by some of those countries’ energy policies. Ioana Ciuta sheds light on the region’s developing crisis, which is claiming lives at an alarming rate.

Independent monitoring of air pollution calls for urgent action in the Balkans

Bankwatch and our partner organisations have undertaken independent dust monitoring in Balkan countries and we have found worrying levels of particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5), dust so small it enters deep into our lungs and blood streams causing irreversible damage and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The worst was yet to come - ludicrous air pollution in Romanian village


Levels of particulate matter (fine dust) in Rosia de Jiu, Romania were up to 20 times above the limit suggested by the World Health Organisation, show the results of our independent monitoring.

Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment procedure for the Tsumeb smelter in Namibia

The dirty secret in Sofia's backyard - the coal dust that only comes at night


Brussels may fine Bulgaria for its excessive air pollution. But living in Pernik, the most polluted town in Europe, remains a hazard to peoples’ health as the results of Bankwatch’s independent dust monitoring show.

Dirty Precious Metals: Dumping European Toxic Waste in Tsumeb, Namibia

Based on a visit to Namibia this report assesses the environmental and social standards at the Tsumeb smelter, acquired by Canadian Dundee Precious Metals in 2010. The smelter specialises in working with some of the dirtiest copper concentrates half of which sourced from the Chelopech gold and copper mine in Bulgaria. The concentrates are extremely rich in arsenic and according to our calculations most of the toxic arsenic trioxide that comes as a by-product of the smelting is being dumped in Namibia, leading to severe health impacts for locals.

Campaign update: environmental and health impacts of Serbian planned coal power plant Kostolac B3 discussed in court hearing


The possible cancellation of the Serbian government’s decision to construct a new 350 MW unit at the Kostolac B lignite power plant was discussed on June 23 at the national administrative court of Serbia.

Expert analysis confirms Croatian Plomin C coal plant is economically unfeasible


Responding to the lack of official economic data for Croatia's Plomin C coal project, a new analysis finds that the project is highly risky.

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