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Bankwatch blog

January 31, 2013
 | by Anelia Stefanova

In an unambiguous letter Members of the European Parliament have reminded the European Investment Bank of the economic and environmental risks that the Šoštanj lignite power plant project poses for Europe and Slovenia.

Energy & climate
January 30, 2013
 | by Zvezdan Kalmar

Those were the words of Serbian Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlović, speaking last week in a press conference during which she announced that a thorough investigation is ongoing into corrupt practices by the management of the Kolubara mining complex.

Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts
January 28, 2013
 | by Pippa Gallop

A potential cooperation between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the agro-corporation Monsanto has thankfully not come to fruition. The case highlights the difficulties for a large development bank to reach farmers on the ground.

Social & economic impacts
January 25, 2013
 | by Ionut Apostol

Notwithstanding the dominance of lignite in Kosovo's energy mix, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development may get involved with yet another lignite project in the Western Balkans.

Energy & climate
January 8, 2013
 | by Sven Haertig-Tokarz

Alstom, the constructor for the Sostanj lignite power plant might just be the worst company of the year. You can vote for Alstom in the Public Eye Awards until January 23.

Energy & climate
December 11, 2012
 | by Pippa Gallop

Even with the latest investment plan for unit 6 at the Sostanj lignite power plant (TES 6), the project's economics are (surprise, surprise) still distinctly shaky as an independent analysis shows. Nonetheless, the project looks ever more likely to get a state guarantee from the Slovene government.

Energy & climate
December 7, 2012
 | by Iryna Holovko

A protest action held today in front of the EBRD office in Kiev by Greenpeace and Bankwatch highlighted the dangers of Ukraine’s plans to prolong the operations of its 15 nuclear reactors. The groups called on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to take safety more seriously than Ukrainian authorities and invest in decommissioning rather than lifetime extensions.

Energy & climate
November 27, 2012
 | by Pippa Gallop

China has risen to become a major player in the dam building business these days, dominating the world market and appearing ever more frequently around these parts in central and eastern Europe (along with counterparts in other areas of the energy sector, notably coal – more about this on the blog in the coming weeks).

Energy & climate
November 22, 2012
 | by Greig Aitken

The EU budget summit, the much-anticipated showdown featuring Europe’s 27 member states, the European Parliament, the European Commission and European Council president Herman van Rompuy over how much EU funding – and for what – is to be spent in the 2014-20 budgetary period, is now on. And all the talk is of what exactly to wear to this event.

EU Funds
Energy & climate, Transport, Resource efficiency
November 14, 2012
 | by Pippa Gallop

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development considers supporting one of the most criticised and controversial corporations on the planet, Monsanto. Reasons for deciding against it are plenty.

Social & economic impacts, Other harmful projects