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A ray of light for communities in Serbia's coal heartland


For more than 50 years, the lignite mines in Serbia's Kolubara basin have been expanding, effectively engulfing the few small communities living between them. For local residents, whose homes have quite literally been teetering on the brink of the mines, life has become unbearable. But a recent court ruling might be paving the way to a long overdue reprieve for residents who have been promised to be relocated.

Campaign update: environmental and health impacts of Serbian planned coal power plant Kostolac B3 discussed in court hearing


The possible cancellation of the Serbian government’s decision to construct a new 350 MW unit at the Kostolac B lignite power plant was discussed on June 23 at the national administrative court of Serbia.

Serbia: EBRD Admitted Mistakes with EPS


CEKOR had a meeting with the EBRD Director for Serbia, Daniel Berg, at which the Report on EBRD Complaint Mechanism was considered. In accordance with the undertaken contractual obligations, the EPS should enhance its procedures not only for the case of Vreoci, to which the complaint referred, but also at all locations where it performs business operations.

"EBRD priznao greške sa EPS-om"

Source: B92, B92

Beograd -- EBRD je priznao greške načinjene sa EPS-om u okviru projekata izvođenih u Vreocima i od preduzeća se očekuje da unapredi svoje procedure, saopštava CEKOR.

Kako je navedeno na sastanku predstavnika CEKOR-a i direktora EBRD za Srbiju Danijela Berga, organizacija očekuje da EPS ubrza raseljavanje Vreoca, kao i da se angažuje i na društveno odgovornom raseljavanju domaćinstava obuhvaćenih zaštitnim zonama rudarenja u selima Junkovac, Radljevo, Baroševac, Zeoke u kolubarskom i sela Drmno u kostolačkom regionu.

Vreoci: Kuće počele naglo da pucaju

Source: Jelena Milutinović, Al Jazeera Balkans

Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj prekršila je sopstvene procedure kada je 2011. godine Elektroprivredi Srbije odobrila kredit od 80 miliona eura. Kredit je namijenjen unapređenju životne sredine Rudarskog basena Kolubara. Na osnovu prigovora koji je uputilo Ekološko društvo Vreoci, interna kontrola u Evropskoj banci utvrdila je da prilikom odobravanja kredita nisu uzeti u obzir svi ekološki aspekti. Na to odavno ukazuju eko aktivisti naselja Vreoci, koje se nalazi na samom obodu rudarskog bazena Kolubara. Njihovu priču ima Jelena Milutinović.

EBRD policy breaches at Serbia coal mine confirmed by bank's own complaint mechanism

Prague, Belgrade - A day after the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) approved a new EUR 200 million loan for Serbia's electric utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS), an internal review at the Bank finds that it breached its own environmental and social policy when approving the previous EUR 80 million loan to the same company.

A clear and present danger - How financial institutions and authorities have failed to address the human impacts of resettlement in Serbia's lignite mining fields

This study shows how the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has failed to enforce several of its basic principles on involuntary resettlement in the Kolubara Mining Basin, one of the largest sources of lignite in Europe, where mining has continued for over fifty years.

The Balkans Are Giving Climate Change the Finger

Source: Nathan Siegel, Ozy

After just five hours visiting the tiny Serbian village of Vreoci, just outside the country’s capital, environmental activist Dragana Mileusnic developed a terrible cough. Vreoci is pincered between two rapidly expanding arms of the Kolubara coal mine, one of the largest in Europe, which churns out 22 million tons of coal per year — along with what Mileusnic calls “incredible” air pollution. Now the mine owner is resettling the entire village because coal dust, smog and respiratory disease have made life there unbearable.

EBRD digs in deeper with Serbian coal king

Earlier this year, Serbian media reported that the EBRD was considering providing a new EUR 200 million loan for the financial restructuring of the state-owned electric utility power company of Serbia, EPS. The EBRD Director for Serbia, Mateo Patrone, was quoted by B92.net saying that the loan is aimed at helping the financial restructuring of EPS. Meanwhile, the EBRD's country strategy for Serbia, approved by its board of directors last April, highlights the bank's “key role in promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy” for the country.

Serbian energy sector needs overhaul


The news portal Deutsche Welle has visited the Kolubara lignite mine in Serbia and produced a short clip about the difficulties faced by the Serbian energy sector.

Our Serbian colleague Nikola Perusic speaks in the video about the terrible landslide that happened in May 2013.

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