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Sostanj lignite plant: A mistake not to be repeated

Ljubljana -- A new briefing by Slovenian NGO Focus shows how misguided assessments of future viability and corruption led to TES6 lignite unit costing more than double the estimated amount, bringing annual losses of tens of millions of euros, and creating only a fraction of the number of jobs promised.

Slovenia's shoddy Šoštanj 6 busts the myth of cheap lignite power

Bankwatch has been monitoring and campaigning against the ill-conceived EBRD- and EIB-financed Unit 6 at Šoštanj in Slovenia for several years now. Yet the project never ceases to amaze with its myriad flaws and scandals – and the first few months of 2014 have been no exception.

Guest post: A Balkan lesson for coal investors


When Dr. Kim, President of the World Bank, and leaders of other international financial institutions ponder funding new coal power projects this year - like the one in Kosovo - there's one word that should be seared into their memories: Sostanj.

UPDATED: Slovenia continues to fall into the economic abyss of the lignite plant at Sostanj

Ljubljana – The scandal-marred lignite plant TES 6 at Sostanj in Slovenia will likely cost 1.44 billion euros (2 billion US), more than double than what was initially predicted, and is due to produce annual losses of 50 million euros, show calculations recently revealed by Slovenian media. These cost escalations, predicted by NGOs critical of the project, should constitute a word of caution for other countries in South-Eastern Europe that are considering building new coal capacities.

Guest post: Never again Sostanj


Disappointed by loan disbursements to one of the dirtiest coal projects in Europe, almost 100 organisations have called on two public lenders to not repeat the same mistakes, ever.

Never again Sostanj, NGOs warn European public banks after Slovenia debacle

After the EIB and the EBRD disbursed a promised 650 million euros for Slovenian lignite plant TES 6 on March 8, Focus Slovenia, CEE Bankwatch Network, and 96 other NGOs are today sending a letter to the two banks calling on them to never commit to such a misguided loan again.

Open letter to EIB & EBRD: Sostanj must never happen again

After the EIB and the EBRD disbursed a promised 650 million euros for Slovenian lignite plant TES 6 on March 8, Focus Slovenia, CEE Bankwatch Network and 96 other NGOs sent this letter to the two banks calling on them to never commit to such a misguided loan again. The letter includes a list of reasons why Sostanj was undeserving of public loans and a set of measures that need to be taken by the banks immediately in order to avoid such mistakes from being repeated in the future.

Small shareholders protest price cap on lignite from Šoštanj's mine


With the dubious economics of the Šoštanj 6 lignite power plant depending partly on keeping the price of lignite low, small shareholders who would have to forego their profits are not thrilled at the prospect.

Members of European Parliament call on EIB not to finance Slovene lignite power plant


In an unambiguous letter Members of the European Parliament have reminded the European Investment Bank of the economic and environmental risks that the Šoštanj lignite power plant project poses for Europe and Slovenia.

Expert assessment of Alstom's business ethics

The French energy and transport conglomerate Alstom is one of the seven finalists for the People's Public Eye Awards 2013. This assessment - done by experts from the Institute for Business Ethics of the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland - takes a look at international treaties and Alstom's conduct in relation to them.

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