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October 3, 2012
 | by Markus Trilling

The seven-year EU budget could unlock investment and jobs, but only if the shadow-boxing around the negotiating table ends now.

EU Funds
Energy & climate, Transport, Resource efficiency
September 26, 2012
 | by Greig Aitken

For its first loan to 'Arab Spring' countries the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has chosen vehicles and partners whose ability to deliver developmental value is highly uncertain.

Social & economic impacts
September 25, 2012
 | by Ondrej Pasek

Continued debates about a reduction of the future EU budget jeopardise the potential of using EU funds for energy efficiency and renewables investments to provide necessary economic stimulus and climate mitigation.

EU Funds
Energy & climate, Resource efficiency
September 18, 2012
 | by Vladlena Martsynkevych

Investment data for Mongolia illustrates that without improving the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s plans for the mining sector, the bank may add to the dependence on raw materials exports in resource rich countries.

Social & economic impacts, Other harmful projects, Mining
September 17, 2012
 | by Kuba Gogolewski

Alleged corruption at Poland’s second biggest state-owned energy company ENEA S.A. may compromise yet another project financed by European public banks.

Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts
August 29, 2012
 | by Ivo Kropacek

The putting on hold (for now) of another waste incinerator project confirms a negative assessment of the Czech Republic's performance in waste management. And still, the Czech government fails to grasp that the only properly sustainable way forward is investment in recycling and waste reduction.

EU Funds
Resource efficiency
August 23, 2012
 | by Iryna Holovko

A recent audit showed that Ukraine lacks good management at least as much as finances to reform its energy sector. EU money is meanwhile siding with a tainted company.

Energy & climate
August 17, 2012
 | by Miroslav Mojzis

The increasing popularity of a 'low-carbon economy' rhetoric calls for robust assessments of the carbon intensity of EU funded projects. Otherwise the potential that lies in the concept may get diluted by conflicting interests.

EU Funds
Energy & climate, Resource efficiency
August 10, 2012
 | by Sven Haertig-Tokarz

Europe's anti-crisis measures include efforts to increase private investments in public infrastructure. Yet, a backlash against public-private partnerships in Portugal is a warning against putting too much faith in this approach.

July 31, 2012
 | by Piotr Trzaskowski

The company hired to build a new unit at the Sostanj lignite power plant is involved in strikingly similar corruption cases across continents.

Energy & climate, Social & economic impacts