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Saporoschje bleibt weiter am Netz

Source: Bernhard Clasen, taz

Die Laufzeit des größten Atomkraftwerks in Europa wurde verlängert. Doch die Kritiker zweifeln an der Sicherheit des Reaktors.

KIEW taz | Europas größtes Atomkraftwerk, das AKW Saporoschje in der Ostukraine, geht in die Laufzeitverlängerung. Am Dienstag beschloss die ukrainische Atombehörde einstimmig, die Laufzeit des ersten der insgesamt sechs Reaktoren um weitere neun Jahre zu verlängern. Er ist seit Dezember 1985 am Netz und hat seine ursprünglich auf 30 Jahre ausgelegte Lebenszeit erreicht.

Ukraine's nuclear energy fixation puts its European financiers to a test


In a meeting today, the Espoo Convention's Implementation Committee will again discuss Ukraine's compliance with the Convention's rules. A look back at the last months does not suggest a positive outcome.

Financial trouble of Ukraine's nuclear operator calls Europe's financial support into question


Energoatom is currently unable to serve loans from European institutions. Even though a European Commission study assessed the company’s credit worthiness, Ukrainian taxpayers now have to pay back part of the loans.

Ukrainian court backs state attempt to stifle public debate on ageing nuclear fleet

Kiev - Today a Kiev court ruled in favour of a defamation lawsuit brought by the Ukrainian state against a civil society organisation, thus backing the government's attempts to suppress public debate on the country's ageing nuclear fleet.

[Campaign update] MEP Rebecca Harms criticises Ukrainian nuclear operator for its lawsuit against activists


Nuclear safety activists in Ukraine who face defamation charges by the state nuclear operator Energoatom received support from Rebecca Harms, a member of the European Parliament, recently.

Energoatom lawsuit against Ukrainian activists is the latest attempt to stifle public debate over an ageing nuclear energy fleet

A Kiev court held yesterday the first hearing in a case brought by Energoatom, Ukraine’s state-owned nuclear power plants operator, against the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU), a civil society group, member of the CEE Bankwatch Network.

Money lost, safety postponed: On the mismanagement in Ukraine's energy sector


A recent audit showed that Ukraine lacks good management at least as much as finances to reform its energy sector. EU money is meanwhile siding with a tainted company.

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