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Czech Republic

Lack of transparency hindering Czech export agency


Although not an institution that typically receives much fanfare, the export credit agency (ECA) in the Czech Republic has a poor track record worthy of more scrutiny.

Tschechische Regierung kippt Tagebau-Erweiterungsverbot

Source: Nov-ost.info, Nov-ost.info

(nov-ost.info) Die tschechische Regierung hat das Moratorium zum weiteren Ausbau des Braunkohle-Tagebaus Bílina in Nordböhmen aufgehoben. Zur Begründung des Schritts führt das Industrieminister

Czech government pushes people to edge in new coal mine expansion

Prague - In a landmark decision today, the Czech Republic reversed a quarter century-old ban that prohibited the expansion of surface mining in an area of Northern Bohemia, allowing excavation in close vicinity of homes of more than 120 000 people.

Join the funeral procession and mourn the death of the Czech Republic's responsibility for climate change

With sincerest condolences, Bankwatch member groups CDE and Hnutí Duha are organising a service to mourn the death of the Czech Republic's responsibility for climate change. People are invited to a climate wake to grieve the loss of another piece of the Czech landscape and as well the country's responsibility for climate change on Tuesday 6 October at 10:00 in front of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Na Františku 32, Praha 1).

Cold shower for Czech incinerator plans - no EU funding, says European Commission


The Czech Republic's long-standing difficulties in realising major waste incinerator schemes via EU funds investments have taken a turn for the worse in recent weeks as the European Commission has poured cold water on the country's incineration plans, both as they apply to the 2007-2013 EU funding period and to the forthcoming 2014-2020 period now entering the final stages of negotiations.

PPPs a threat to national security, says Czech national security service BIS


The complicated nature, hidden future debts and other characteristics of public-private partnerships have led the Czech Republic's national security service to consider them a potential threat to public interests.

"Move over Poland!" Czech parliament bids for EU 'dirty energy' crown, as renewables subsidies make way for fossil fuels


A new law that will redraw the Czech Republic’s approach to renewable energy is suspected to bring the development of the Czech renewables sector to a standstill and instead provide a boost for the country's fossil fuel sector.

Energy efficiency becoming more central to future EU spending in the Czech Republic - thanks to NGO calls


Energy efficiency has now become a priority for EU funding in the Czech Republic for the forthcoming 2014-2020 budgetary period.

Another success against Czech incineration, government in blissful ignorance


The putting on hold (for now) of another waste incinerator project confirms a negative assessment of the Czech Republic's performance in waste management. And still, the Czech government fails to grasp that the only properly sustainable way forward is investment in recycling and waste reduction.

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