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green investments

Juncker investment plan: deep reforms necessary for sustainable future

Cash that should be flowing into projects that boost environmental sustainability is instead fuelling outdated carbon-intensive projects like motorways, airports, and fossil-fuel infrastructure, according to a new report on Europe’s investment plan released today

Guest post: Municipalities are crucial for citizen-owned renewable energy in the Czech Republic


Czech environmental and law groups have proposed a law amendment to revive the disadvantaged renewable energy sector in their country. Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch member group Hnuti Duha explains their initiative.

Nordic countries 'no' to coal is a glimmer of hope for EBRD energy lending


The global campaign to make the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development restrict its coal lending may have found new allies in Nordic countries after their declaration yesterday to seize overseas coal investments.

EU budget: green jobs to be found amidst disappointing deal

Brussels, July 3, 2013 – Following today’s approval by the European Parliament of Europe’s €960 billion budget for 2014-2020, Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe are calling on individual member states to make the most of a disappointing deal by respecting green spending commitments – thereby boosting green jobs and truly sustainable investments.

Continued EU budget battle could sacrifice clean energy investments and clog economic recovery


Continued debates about a reduction of the future EU budget jeopardise the potential of using EU funds for energy efficiency and renewables investments to provide necessary economic stimulus and climate mitigation.

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Green investments to deliver sustainable prosperity and jobs

This briefing outlines a number of aspects that - if improved - would enhance the European Commission’s proposal on the future EU budget and maximize benefits for the regions delivered by the future Cohesion Policy while contributing to reach the 2020 climate, energy and biodiversity targets and creating green jobs.

The struggle for a green Cohesion Policy has only just begun


While the potential of green investments is undeniable, statements from EU decision makers don’t paint the rosiest picture for a climate friendly Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.

Harnessing the EU recovery plan for green and accountable investments


The unprecedented economic crisis has the potential to provide a significant boost to the environment. Today, investing in a green economy and green jobs is seen as one of the top priorities for moving beyond the crisis. This unique window of political opportunity for the promotion of green investments should not be missed - and how European public money is to be used to get us out of these economic straits is on the line next week.

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