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How long till the next protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Back in early February this year, workers at several privatised companies started protesting in Tuzla. The workers expressed outrage at how factory owners were not paying social security contributions, thus making their employees no longer eligible for health care, social security or pensions.

What goes around, comes around: Portugal's debt boomerangs back on public-private partnerships


Europe's anti-crisis measures include efforts to increase private investments in public infrastructure. Yet, a backlash against public-private partnerships in Portugal is a warning against putting too much faith in this approach.

A threatened growth package


Shifting gears from the austerity years, EU leaders recently proposed injecting EUR 120 billion into the European economy.

The EIB in Greece: by the numbers

As Europe’s financial establishment braces for the results of tomorrow’s Greek elections and Eurozone officials dangle the carrot of a new European Investment Bank programme in front of Athens, we’ve prepared a snapshot of previous EIB loans in the country. [1] [2] [3] [4] (NB: any tricolour similarities are entirely coincidental.)

The writings on the European Parliament's wall: Make the EIB choose a brighter future


Ahead of the European Investment Bank's annual meeting, Counter Balance and Bankwatch have chosen an unconventional way to remind the EIB shareholders of the bank's chequered track record.

The medium-sized EIB bazooka - Europe's people and environment must benefit this time around


As it begins to dawn on Europe's elite that fiscal austerity is not working after all, the European Investment Bank is once again the talk of the EU as decision-makers scramble to stimulate national economies that are hemhorraging jobs and living standards - and hope - across the continent.

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