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Fundusze europejskie: Unia ostrzega, że Polska może zmarnować miliardy euro. Przez węgiel

Source: PAP, Polskie Radio

Miliardy euro, które z unijnego budżetu mają być przeznaczane na przejście od gospodarki opartej na węglu w kierunku ekonomii niskoemisyjnej, mogą być zmarnowane przez kraje Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - alarmują organizacje pozarządowe.

Taki wniosek płynie z raportu CEE Bankwatch Network i Friends of the Earth Europe, który współfinansowała UE. Organizacje opisały w ponad 150-stronicowej publikacji analizę planów inwestycyjnych i strategii klimatycznych 9 krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej.

Raport dotyczy polskich inwestycji w ramach funduszy europejskich

Poland and the Energy Union: Legitimising Europe's flagship climate laggard?


It’s no secret that Poland is not the biggest proponent of ambitious European climate and energy policies. Rather than give Poland the extra nudge it needs to transform its increasingly obsolete energy system, the Energy Union risks sustaining – and legitimising – the Polish addiction to fossil fuels.

Polish companies lack guidance on social responsibility in the Global South


Private businesses are playing an increasing role in development finance, but their involvement is one of the most controversial issues in the discussion on sustainable development. The Polish government’s support for businesses still lacks clear reference to international standards and guiding principles for operating in the Global South.

Polish region an unexpected champion of green energy citizen projects


As EU Member States continue to negotiate with the European Commission their spending plans for the next Cohesion Policy funds for 2014-2020, the Polish region of Podlaskie in the northeast proves an unexpected champion for the green energy citizen’s revolution in Poland.

Transition triumphs and traps - Assessing Poland's recent economic journey, and where it goes next


During last month's EBRD annual meeting in Warsaw, Bankwatch Mail convened a discussion about the state of the Polish economy between a financial journalist and a sociologist – both residents of the Polish capital – to hear their views on some of the pressing economic issues of the day, as well as the ongoing Polish 'transition' process. With the 25th anniversary of the end of communist rule in Poland a few months away now (today in fact marks a quarter of a century since the first Polish elections under communism), what have been the achievements and the lessons to be learned from the last two and half decades?

Transition triumphs and traps - Assessing Poland's recent economic journey, and where it goes next

During last month's EBRD annual meeting in Warsaw, Bankwatch Mail convened a discussion about the state of the Polish economy between a financial journalist and a sociologist – both residents of the Polish capital – to hear their views on some of the pressing economic issues of the day, as well as the ongoing Polish 'transition' process. With the 25th anniversary of the end of communist rule in Poland a few months away now (today in fact marks a quarter of a century since the first Polish elections under communism), what have been the achievements and the lessons to be learned from the last two and half decades?

Pinocchio to deliver letters to Kulczyk

This Friday, 16th May at 2.00 pm, petitions to Jan Kulczyk, appealing for his withdrawal from plans to build Elektrownia Północ (‘North’) Power Plant in Pomerania, Poland, will be passed on to Mr. Piotr Maciolek, chairman of Elektrownia Północ Power Plant company, owned by Kulczyk Investments Group. The petitions, signed by over 8200 people, will be delivered by an exceptional guest – Pinocchio.

Polish shale gas - a watery grave looms, but for who?

Tomasz Zdrojewski explains the risks to Polish water from the massively hyped fossil fuel bonanza.

Tapping central and eastern Europe's green potential 25 years on

Environmental writer Roger Manser explains how the warnings of his 1993 book were ignored, and why ambitious green financing action is still a big need in central and eastern Europe.

Trains, planes and citizens' mobility - Axeing of Polish airport plan brings calls for improved train connections via EU funds


As countries around Europe strive in the first weeks of the year to conclude spending plans that will guide how they deploy billions of EU funds for the 2014-2020 budgetary period, last week saw a welcome move in Poland with the shelving of a controversial airport proposal that had been in line for EU support.

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