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UPDATE: Danube dam-busting - Under the radar EU funds grab spotted in Slovakia


A highly problematic Danube dam project has found its way into the Slovak Operational Programme for the Cohesion Policy spending in the 2014-2020 period and has become a small scandal in the country.

Trains, planes and citizens' mobility - Axeing of Polish airport plan brings calls for improved train connections via EU funds


As countries around Europe strive in the first weeks of the year to conclude spending plans that will guide how they deploy billions of EU funds for the 2014-2020 budgetary period, last week saw a welcome move in Poland with the shelving of a controversial airport proposal that had been in line for EU support.

New CEE Bankwatch Network Study: “No Time to Waste: Cohesion Funds programming for a resource-efficient Europe”

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The EU Resource Efficiency Flagship Initiative, the strategic framework setting out how the waste sector should look like in Europe by 2020, envisages that by the end of this decade waste in Europe will be managed as a resource we have to care for, hence landfilling has to be eliminated, incineration limited to non recyclable materials, and recycling turned into a truly economically viable option.

No time to waste - Cohesion Funds for a resource-efficient Europe

This study offers evidence and guidelines for the development of sustainable Operational Programmes in EU Member States in the waste management sector, the sector where most countries in central and eastern Europe seriously lag behind EU standards and achievements. As a policy analysis it tries to directly link the European Waste Framework Directive and the new Cohesion Policy Regulation by understanding the Resource Efficient Europe Initiative.

Building renovation must be top of the EU budget priority list for 2014-2020

The renovation of buildings to high energy performance standards has the potential to be the most cost effective investment any European nation can make, given the benefits in terms of job creation, quality of life, economic stimulus and energy security that such investments deliver. For these reasons the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) is advocating for the maximum possible allocation of EU funds to the energy renovation of buildings under the recently agreed multi-annual financial framework (MFF) for 2014-2020.

EU budget 2014-2020: Better spending of taxpayer money. The Parliament can make a difference.

The key objective of the European Commission's proposal on the Multi-annual Financial Framework was to get an EU budget that is more policy-driven, fit for the challenges of the 21st century and supporting a green transition in order to assist the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. In contrast the European Council deal mainly focuses on vested national interests and net contributions, failing to agree on a forward looking budget able to tackle European challenges and consistent with EU environmental targets by 2020.

Funding sustainable development in European regions - Recommendations for the programming of EU funds in 10 CEE countries

This publication, prepared in close cooperation with national NGO coalitions and the support from external experts, aims to contribute to the elaboration of Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes by proposing concrete measures to be financed, targets to be set, performance indicators to be applied and investment needs to be met - all with a focus on a policy that can foster sustainable development and catalyse the transformation to a low energy-consuming, renewable-based and resource efficient society.

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Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Rejecting fossil fuel subsidies in the European Parliament

Environmental NGOs are alarmed that a new own initiative report on Cohesion Policy and energy might be considered sufficient by some REGI MEPs to consider that the rejection of fossil fuels subsidies in ERDF is put into question – overruling the clear REGI mandate voted in July 2012. To ensure consistency, the REI MEPs should maintain the REGI mandate as it is and oppose any fossil fuel subsidies in ERDF.

EU budget 2014-2020: TEN-T Guidelines - NGO priority recommendations for trialogues

Environmental NGOs emphasise that, with very long lifetimes for transport infrastructure, today’s decisions on EU transport spending will set the path for transport beyond 2050 and into the next century. Yet, in light of the EU budget negotiations, there will not be enough funding for all the projects in the Connecting Europe Facility annex or the TEN-T maps to get off the ground. This briefing therefore focuses on how to make the most of the limited funds available, and to avoid the major cost-overruns and delays that have plagued TEN-T policy to date.

EU Summit: No axe for climate spending, but member states must deliver

Brussels, February 8 - A summit in Brussels on the EU budget for 2014-2020 concluded today with an unambitious commitment for 20 percent of EU spending to go towards tackling climate change. CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe called on member states' governments to build on this with national spending plans that ensure quality outcomes that work for Europe's people and environment.

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