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EU urged to honour Paris Agreement, withdraw support for gas mega-pipeline

Brussels, Belgium -- In an open letter released today, climate scientists, indigenous leaders, environmental and social justice groups, actors and artists call on the European Union to immediately withdraw its support for a gas mega-pipeline that would ‘destroy Europe’s climate targets’.

Independent monitoring of air pollution calls for urgent action in the Balkans

Bankwatch and our partner organisations have undertaken independent dust monitoring in Balkan countries and we have found worrying levels of particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5), dust so small it enters deep into our lungs and blood streams causing irreversible damage and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Women and hydropower: exacerbating vulnerability without resettlement


The disproportionate impacts that the Nenskra hydropower project in Georgia will have on women are not being assessed by the project company, in spite of its financiers’ standards.

Locals oppose dam that is set to endanger critical fish habitat in Bosnia-Herzegovina


We are passing through the canyon of the river Vrbas, in north-west Bosnia-Herzegovina. I am looking through a car window, mouth wide open in awe. While I look up to the rocky, edgy peaks hundreds of meters above and down to the heavenly blue river, I am wondering why anyone would want to dam this river, flood the canyon and destroy its beauty.

Then again, rather than seeing beauty, hydropower companies see wasted water resources, or in the words of a Bosnian official “euros flowing away in vain.”

Regarding the Energa Hybrid Bond project

An inquiry from Polish and European NGOs to the EIB about its planned support of EUR 250 million for the modernisation and extension of Polish utility Energa’s electricity distribution network.

Support to fossil fuel projects from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)

In September 2016 the European Commission published its proposal for the prolongation of the EFSI until 2020, to be achieved by amending the existing regulation. We welcome several improvements, but are concerned that they fall short of properly tackling the challenges and shortcomings identified, namely to provide additionality and catalyse the unambiguous move to reduce GHG reductions. On the basis of our in depth report Best Laid Plans, which analysed the 93 projects approved until July 2016 and further analysis of the EFSI entire portfolio till the end of 2016 under the Infrastructure and Innovation Window (IIW), we consider that the EFSI regulation needs considerable improvements in the energy area.

Reviewing the European Investment Bank's carbon footprint methodology

The briefing makes recommendations for the European Investment Bank's methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions, which is currently under review. It also provides case studies that illustrate the shortcomings of the bank's current approach - most notably its strategy towards supporting gas projects.

Backdoor for coal subsidies remains half open under new EU rules


While it may seem like a gesture to coal-dependent countries such as Poland, the Winter Package of EU energy market rules, presented yesterday (30 November), will make using coal subsidies more difficult.

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