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UPDATED: A guide to examining the European Investment Bank's energy lending portfolio


A thorough check of the European Investment Bank's energy lending data shows that not all is as rosy as the EIB would like to see it. We've paired up with Open Spending to provide an introduction into how to interpret and scrutinise the numbers.

The EU's bank is less ambitious than the US in restricting energy from coal


It may have been easy in the past for Europeans to bash the US for being retrograde when it comes to climate policies, but after last week it will get more difficult to do that.

A tale of neglect: Energy finance figures from the Western Balkans


The neglect by international financial institutions of the Western Balkans sustainable energy potential will cost the region's public heavily for years to come. Figures collected in a new study illustrate how the different international lenders perform in the region.

Little impact of EU aid for Egypt - Ongoing abuses and Brussels scrutiny puts EBRD's best laid plans in question


How is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development able to justify a brand new host country agreement with Egypt, given the abuses still being endured in Egypt and the failure of one billion euros of EU money to improve the economic and human rights situation there?

Guest post: New film: Tar sands - to the ends of the earth


Friends of the Earth Europe's new film, documenting the efforts of local communities in Madagascar to protect their island home from tar sands development, was premiered in Europe last week at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Face the future: Members of European Parliament discuss energy lending of European public banks


A roundtable discussion on European public banks and energy lending brought together Members of the European Parliament and non-governmental organisations, while the public banks themselves chose to stay away.

The climate crisis and the role of Europe's public banks

With each passing day, there is less chance that we will manage to keep the planet within the "safe" limit of two degrees Celsius global warming that would avoid disastrous climate change. The European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development can play a pivotal role in leveraging more private investment for sustainable energy. Both institutions are now reviewing their energy lending policies.

EBRD with disastrous start in Kosovo, European Parliament not amused


The European Parliament yesterday chastised the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for its explicit interest in financing a new lignite-fired power plant in Kosovo. NGOs hope the bank will pay more attention to the Parliament than it did to civil society and energy experts so far.

[Campaign update] Woes in Kosovo's energy sector trigger demand for Minister's removal


Amid increasing public outcry over electricity prices and the privatisation of the KEDS distribution company, KOSID, an industrious NGO coalition from Kosovo has called for the dismissal of Besim Beqaj, the country's Minster for Economic Development.

New nuclear risks in Ukraine - decision expected tomorrow


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is expected to take a decision tomorrow on whether or not to provide a EUR 300 million loan for a nuclear power plant Safety Upgrade Programme in Ukraine. This article from our quarterly Bankwatch Mail sums up the issues at hand.

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