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Mongolia's energy sector: time for a rethink

This report is meant as a background document for civil society in Mongolia and international groups to advocate for increased transparency and participation in priority energy projects; improved forecasts of power demand and alternatives for the sustainable development of the energy sector to benefit people and the environment and meet Mongolia’s commitments towards climate change mitigation; and an increased share of renewable energy in the Mongolian energy mix along with removing fiscal and financial barriers for renewable projects.

EBRD je le še ena zamujena priložnost Slovenije

Source: Marjeta Kralj, Dnevnik

Banka, ki bi morala Sloveniji in drugim postsocialističnim državam pomagati pri prehodu v trajnostno naravnano tržno gospodarstvo, ni opravila svoje naloge. Tako meni mednarodna mreža CEE Bankwatch Network po 25 letih delovanja Evropske banke za obnovo in razvoj.

EBRD investments facilitate corruption and global warming, watchdog claims

Source: Emma Rumney, Public Finance International

Corruption, dirty resources and inequality are among the outcomes of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s investments over the past two decades, according to an environmental watchdog.

CEE Bankwatch Network, a Prague-based environmental NGO that monitors the activities of international financial institutions like the EBRD, said the bank has deepened countries’ dependence on unsustainable natural resource extraction and allowed corrupt or undemocratic elites to tighten their grip on societies.

Lost in transition: Far-reaching changes needed as European bank marks 25 years

On April 15, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will be marking its 25th anniversary. Reflecting on two decades of monitoring the EBRD's policies and projects, a new report from CEE Bankwatch Network raises concerns about a growing gap between the bank's operations and its mandate.

Slovenia and the Energy Union: clash in priorities, renewables as collateral damage


A leaked document, published here for the first time, that outlines the Slovenian government’s priorities for the EU’s Energy Union reveals a potential conflict with what the European Commission has on offer. Yet, neither promises ambitious strides towards more renewables.

Interviewing the EBRD about the Kumtor gold mine

This interview was conducted during the EBRD annual meeting and business forum, 14-15 May 2015 in Tbilisi. The interview was led by Ryskeldi Satke (RS) with Dr. Alistair Clark (AC), EBRD’s Managing Director Environment and Sustainability Department; Michaela Bergman (MB), EBRD’s Chief Counselor for Social Issues Environment and Sustainability Department; and Dr. Dariusz Prasek (DP), Director, Project Appraisal Environment Department.

Toolkit on the Project Complaint Mechanism of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The Project Compliance Mechanism (PCM) is the EBRD's accountability mechanism for the assessment and follow-up of complaints about project financed by the bank. The PCM is a grievance mechanism for civil society, local groups and individuals that may be directly and adversely affected by a bank project. It's purpose is to help identify when the EBRD or its client has not fulfilled the obligations defined in the bank's policies and to facilitate a problem-solving process with the EBRD's client.

Stuck in the market? 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall: what now for the EBRD?

Harsh, embedded economic realities such as widespread, high unemployment across central and eastern Europe, as well as the discernible trend of democratic retrenchment in several EBRD recipient countries, are resulting in very mixed feelings about the transition process in this year of important anniversaries. This new analysis of how the EBRD conducts its financing and economic advisory activities finds serious deficiencies in the bank's overall 'market-oriented' approach and catalogues a range of startling EBRD interventions.

Statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and threat of war

CEE Bankwatch Network strongly condemns the Russian government's military invasion and annexation of Crimea and Sebastopol. We hope that in the end the voices of those who have been demonstrating for peace in Moscow and elsewhere, in both Russia and Ukraine, will prevail.

The European Union has already responded to the Crimean declaration of independence by announcing travel bans and bank account freezes for 48 individuals from Russia and Ukraine linked to the Crimean breakaway.

Serbian NGO presses criminal charges against Kolubara mining company over landslide


One year after a landslide destroyed thirteen houses the Kolubara mining company continues to dump waste in the same area without information from its investigations forthcoming. Locals fear that more landslides may occur. Bankwatch member group CEKOR has now increased pressure on the company and the EBRD.

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