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Guest post: A win for citizen activism after UNESCO asks Macedonia to stop all construction projects on Lake Ohrid


After a field visit to the Lake Ohrid in Macedonia, the UNESCO requested the Macedonian government to halt construction projects in the area, one of which is supported by the European Bank For Reconstruction and Development.

Croatia to drop controversial coal plant project, confirms minister

The Croatian Minister for Economy, Tomislav Panenić, yesterday confirmed that the 500 MW Plomin C coal plant project has been stopped.

Turceni coal unit in Romania shut down after operating illegally


The shut down of a coal-fired power plant unit is another great success for the climate and for clean air in Romania. Many more units may have to follow according to legislation on pollution limits.

Success: 391 hectares of Romanian forest saved in 2015


With one more positive court decision just before the end of the year, Bankwatch Romania had a lot to celebrate in 2015.

Romanian court rejects environmental permit, halting destruction of 159 hectares of forests and putting breaks on coal mining expansion

Bucharest - A Bucharest court yesterday annulled the environment permit for the felling of another 159 hectares of forest in Gorj country, effectively preventing the expansion of the Roșia lignite mine.

EBRD policy breaches at Serbia coal mine confirmed by bank's own complaint mechanism

Prague, Belgrade - A day after the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) approved a new EUR 200 million loan for Serbia's electric utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS), an internal review at the Bank finds that it breached its own environmental and social policy when approving the previous EUR 80 million loan to the same company.

[Campaign update] Romanian government support for controversial power plant project to be made public, EBRD loan cancelled


Bankwatch’s Romanian chapter has been granted access to environmental information included in a letter sent by Romania's Ministry of Economy in support of a loan from the Euoprean Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to Oltenia Energy Complex (OEC), Bucharest's administrative court ruled yesterday.

The letter will shed light on the nature and extent of the government's support for the project, and whether it was in line with EU regulations.

Victories piling up: 130 more hectares of forest saved from lignite mining in Romania

Bucharest - A Romanian court has accepted a petition filed by Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, and cancelled the environmental permit which allowed cutting down 130 hectares of forests - equivalent to approximately 260 football pitches - to make way for the expansion of the Pinoasa lignite open pit.

EBRD suspends loan for Romanian coal plant Turceni

Bucharest -- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) confirmed this week that it has suspended plans to finance the refurbishment of the Turceni coal power plant in Romania. The project is currently subject to a number of legal challenges on environmental grounds and Romanian authorities are investigating allegations of corruption at the plant.

Boskov Most suspected of breaching Council of Europe nature protection convention

Skopje/ Strasbourg – The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention, a binding international legal instrument in the field of nature conservation for signatory countries, announced today (pdf) that it will open a case file to address the complaint made by Eko-svest about the planned hydropower plants in Mavrovo national park.

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