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EU funds

EU budget review must enhance European climate action

The European Commission must listen to the European Parliament calling for an EU budget that works for people and planet - according to CEE Bankwatch Network, Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.

Fundusze europejskie: Unia ostrzega, że Polska może zmarnować miliardy euro. Przez węgiel

Source: PAP, Polskie Radio

Miliardy euro, które z unijnego budżetu mają być przeznaczane na przejście od gospodarki opartej na węglu w kierunku ekonomii niskoemisyjnej, mogą być zmarnowane przez kraje Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - alarmują organizacje pozarządowe.

Taki wniosek płynie z raportu CEE Bankwatch Network i Friends of the Earth Europe, który współfinansowała UE. Organizacje opisały w ponad 150-stronicowej publikacji analizę planów inwestycyjnych i strategii klimatycznych 9 krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej.

Raport dotyczy polskich inwestycji w ramach funduszy europejskich

Climat : les fonds européens financent-ils vraiment la transition énergétique ?

Source: Environnement Magazine, Environnement Magazine

Dans un nouveau rapport, plusieurs ONG environnementales dénoncent l'utilisation de fonds européens a priori destinés à la transition énergétique, mais bénéficiant aux énergies fossiles.

Gov't ignores chance to upgrade energy sector

Source: Benjamin Cunningham, The Slovak Spectator

Monopolistic business interests and state intervention prevent investment in renewable energy sources, improved efficiency and smart grid technology. They block the country from accessing free money that would make energy cheaper, cleaner and more efficient.

WHEN the European Union was setting long term climate and energy policy 2014 the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) banded together in an effort to protect their manufacturing based economies.

Държавите от ЦИЕ затвърждават зависимостта си от изкопаемите горива

Source: Миглена Иванова, Investor.BG

Само 7% от средствата за програмния период до 2020 г. за 9 държави от региона са за възобновяема енергия

Държавите от Централна и Източна Европа рядко използват европейското финансиране за преходни енергийни проекти и вместо това насочват средствата за проекти, които укрепват зависимостта им от изкопаемите горива. Това се посочва в доклад на “Friends of the Earth Europe”, цитиран от онлайн изданието euractiv.com.

România, printre statele care pun frână combaterii încălzirii globale

Source: Laura Cioba, Transporter

Nouă state membre UE din Europa Centrală și de Est, printre care se numără și România, țin pe loc progresele realizate de blocul comunitar cu privire la combaterea încălzirii globale.

Conform unui studiu publicat de către organizaţiile de mediu Friends of the Earth Europe şi CEE Bankwatch Network, nouă state membre ale Uniunii Europene nu profită de posibilitatea de a utilizat fondurile UE pentru a investi în energia verde.

Romania not yet ‘super green’ in long term energy aims, says Bankwatch

Source: Natalia Martian, Business Review

Romania can access EUR 30.6 billion in 2014-2020 through five European funds initiatives, and authorities are interested in a high level of absorption, though complementary programs developed by the government are practically non-existent, a Bankwatch Romania press release announces.

The statement comes as the CEE Bankwatch Network has released its “Climate’s Enfantes Terribles” Report.

EU money for clean energy transition is being spent on fossil fuels, says report

Source: Éanna Kelly, Science|Business

Environmental pressure groups criticise 9 member states in central and eastern Europe for using EU regional funding to prop up existing fossil fuel systems, rather than to tackle climate change

Less than 10 per cent of the EU regional funding money earmarked for decarbonisation projects in nine Central and Eastern European countries will be invested into renewables, energy efficiency and smart grids, according to a new report.

Милиарди евро от ЕС се харчат неправомерно в Централна и Източна Европа, сочи нов доклад

Source: Дневник, Дневник

Милиарди евро от Европейския съюз, предназначени за трансформиране на неефективните им енергийни системи, отделящи високи въглеродни емисии, в Централна и Източна Европа се харчат неправомерно. Това констатира нов доклад на CEE Bankwatch Network и Friends of the Earth за Европа, публикуван във вторник.

A l’Est, les fonds européens délaissent la transition énergétique

Source: Romain Loury, Journal de le'nvironnement

Abondés par les financements de l’Union européenne, les pays d’Europe de l’est et d’Europe centrale ne les emploient que rarement à des solutions de transition énergétique, dénonce l’association Les Amis de la Terre Europe dans un rapport publié mardi 26 janvier.

Selon l’association, seuls 7% des 178 milliards affectés à ces neuf pays [1], aussi bien par le Fonds européen de développement régional (Feder) et le Fonds de cohésion pour la période 2014-20 [2], sont orientés vers les énergies renouvelables, l’efficacité énergétique et les «smart grids».

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