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Two great new websites on all things coal


As anti-coal movements are gaining momentum around the world, two new websites offer a slew of information about the dirtiest of fossil fuels and the campaigns against it. They also offer a stark reminder that despite progress in the last years coal is far from dead.

Video: A mockumentary about biodiversity offsetting


Biodiversity offsetting in the European Union would be a dream come true for some investors - and a nightmare for nature.

Democracy is nobody's business - MEPs pledge to stand up for people over profit


At the end of May the whole of Europe will be going to the ballot box for the 2014 European Parliament elections. But when the votes are counted and members-to-be (MEPs) take their place, who are they going to represent – people or profit? The Bankwatch supported campaign Politics for people asks them to take a pledge against the latter.

EU Funds to the rescue in Krakow - Local campaign leading the way for Polish communities sick of (and sick from) coal


The likely allocation of EU funds is set to bring about a breakthrough success for a popular and dearly needed campaign for better air quality in Krakow, Poland.

Anti-coal campaign in Kosovo puts focus on health


A campaign against a new lignite power plant in Kosovo uses World Bank figures to highlight the health damage resulting from pollution.

Campaign asks UniCredit to 'get out of coal'


Pressure is growing not only on international financial institutions but also on private banks to stop financing fossil fuels.

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