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environmental protection

Environmental organisations deplore 'lost year' for environmental protection

Brussels, November 2 – One year since the entry into office of the current European Commission headed by Jean-Claude Juncker, environmental groups have criticised the EU executive for a paralysis in policymaking on issues related to the environment.

European Commission opens infringement procedure against Romania over coal mine

Bucharest -- The European Commission has opened an infringement case against Romania regarding the lignite quarry extension at the Rovinari complex in Gorj County. The Commission suspects Romania of not complying with the EU Directive concerning the environmental impact assessment of projects.

Bogus logic in Ukraine: A nature reserve not worth protecting


If you thought the purpose of a nature reserve is to protect wildlife from disruptive human interference, then you're wrong – at least when it comes to nature that's in the way of electricity infrastructure in Ukraine.

The European Commission, an EBRD shareholder that should start acting like one


Recent Balkan hydro projects suggest the European Commission could make much better use of its shareholder role in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

BTC pipeline court case in Tbilisi, Georgia on January 20

The democratic values of Mikhail Saakashvili's Georgia will come under scrutiny next week when Georgian environment group Green Alternative brings legal proceedings against the Georgian government and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company (BTC Co).

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