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'Cooperation', but not as we know it - Ukrainian civil society resists efforts to be co-opted by big agro


The controversial Ukrainian agribusiness giant Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) tries to handle community relations by putting publicity spin on the outcomes of a long overdue discussion with civil society.

Namibian smelter expansion risks deepening environmental and health problems


As it nears two years of a Bankwatch visit to the copper smelter in Namibia and the uncovering of an unsafe arsenic disposal site, a planned expansion has revealed so far undisclosed environmental information.

Planned coal power plants in the Western Balkans versus EU pollution standards

The new reference document on Best Available Techniques for Large Combustion Plants (LCP BREF) and its implications for new coal.

Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment procedure for the Tsumeb smelter in Namibia

The dirty secret in Sofia's backyard - the coal dust that only comes at night


Brussels may fine Bulgaria for its excessive air pollution. But living in Pernik, the most polluted town in Europe, remains a hazard to peoples’ health as the results of Bankwatch’s independent dust monitoring show.

The sound and the fury: new film documents the plight of communities near Romanian coal plant


Oppressive noise and a cloud of dust engulf the residents of Roșia de Jiu and Rogojel, villages located next to Romania’s Rovinari power plant. In a new video, Bankwatch Romania has documented the toll that producing coal energy is having on these communities that live near the lignite mines, transport belts and power plant at Rovinari.

[Campaign update] Montenegro's Pljevlja coal plant is running out of time to secure financing


The Czech daily Hospodarske Noviny (English: "Economic Newspaper") is reporting today that the Czech Export Bank (CEB) and export insurance agency EGAP may not be be able to finance the Pljevlja II lignite power plant in Montenegro due to new OECD rules entering force on 1 January 2017.

Romanian city battles in court to protect its citizens' health


The Romanian city of Reghin wants its citizens to agree before a potentially harmful formaldehyde plant is built. It has to defend this decision in court.

Expert analysis confirms Croatian Plomin C coal plant is economically unfeasible


Responding to the lack of official economic data for Croatia's Plomin C coal project, a new analysis finds that the project is highly risky.

Turceni coal unit in Romania shut down after operating illegally


The shut down of a coal-fired power plant unit is another great success for the climate and for clean air in Romania. Many more units may have to follow according to legislation on pollution limits.

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