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Balkan coal news

Press release | February 29, 2016

Thousands of people took to the streets of Skopje, Pljevlja, Tuzla and other cities across the Western Balkans in December to demand action on chronic air pollution plaguing their communities. A new briefing shows that to a large degree these recurring smog incidents are the result of national authorities' protracted inaction. Yet, air quality could be dramatically improved if two EU directives are transposed into the Energy Community Treaty, according to two legal analyses also released today.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | February 22, 2016

Last Tuesday activists from Croatia, Italy and Colombia formed a human chain in front of the Plomin coal power plant to highlight that the real price of coal is human lives – at both ends of the chain of production.

Energy & climate
Bankwatch in the media | February 11, 2016

Miliardy euro, które z unijnego budżetu mają być przeznaczane na przejście od gospodarki opartej na węglu w kierunku ekonomii niskoemisyjnej, mogą być zmarnowane przez kraje Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej - alarmują organizacje pozarządowe.

Taki wniosek płynie z raportu CEE Bankwatch Network i Friends of the Earth Europe, który współfinansowała UE. Organizacje opisały w ponad 150-stronicowej publikacji analizę planów inwestycyjnych i strategii klimatycznych 9 krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej.

Raport dotyczy polskich inwestycji w ramach funduszy europejskich

EU Funds
Energy & climate
Blog entry | February 4, 2016

The shut down of a coal-fired power plant unit is another great success for the climate and for clean air in Romania. Many more units may have to follow according to legislation on pollution limits.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | January 28, 2016

The Czech Republic’s EU funds’ documents tick all the formal boxes, but the carbon intensity of its economy will most likely not change much.

EU Funds
Energy & climate
Resource efficiency