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Plomin C

Ostvarili smo veliku pobjedu i zaustavili Plomin C na ugljen

Source: Radio Labin, Radio Labin

Nakon 5 godina kampanje protiv izgradnje štetne termoelektrane na uvozni ugljen Plomin C, ostvarili smo veliku pobjedu! Ministar gospodarstva Panenić izjavio je kako je realizacija ovog projekta zaustavljena. Sigurni smo kako nakon uvjerljivih argumenata protiv izgradnje te okolnosti koje su uslijedile, Vlada nije niti imala drugog izbora nego zaustaviti Plomin C, kažu u priopćenju Greenpeace, Zelena Istra, Zelena akcija i CCE – Bankwatch network.

Croatia to drop controversial coal plant project, confirms minister

The Croatian Minister for Economy, Tomislav Panenić, yesterday confirmed that the 500 MW Plomin C coal plant project has been stopped.

Croatia, Italy and Colombia linked by harm from coal industry


Last Tuesday activists from Croatia, Italy and Colombia formed a human chain in front of the Plomin coal power plant to highlight that the real price of coal is human lives – at both ends of the chain of production.

I Japan ograničava financiranje termoelektrana na ugljen

Source: Regional Express, Regional Express


Zeleni pritišću financijske savjetnike za TE Plomin C

Source: N. D., Energetika-Net

Od francuske banke Credit Acricole traži se da prestane financijski savjetovati HEP

Zagreb i Pariz: "Francuska banka Crédit Agricole mora se povući iz projekta Plomin C"

Source: M.K., H-Alter

Performansom ispred francuskog veleposlanstva u Zagrebu Zelena akcija, Greenpeace i Bankwatch danas su zatražili od banke Crédit Agricole da se povuče iz svih poslova vezanih uz Plomin C, a akciju s istim zahtjevom istovremeno su izveli i francuski aktivisti.

Pritisak na Credit Agricole da Presante Savjentovati TE Plomin

Source: , EnergyPress.net

Danas su protiv projekta TE Plomin C na ugljen održane dvije akcije zelenih, u Parizu i Zagrebu. Cilj obje akcije je prisiliti francusku banku Crédit Agricole, koja je preuzela ulogu financijskog savjetnika HEP-a za Plomin C, da se povuče iz ovog projekta.

Analysis of compatibility of the Plomin C coal plant with Credit Agricole's energy policies

The analysis, by Friends of the Earth France and Croatia, Zelena Istra, CEE Bankwatch Network and BankTrack, screens the risks of the 500 megawatt Plomin C coal power plant project proposed for development in the picturesque Istrian peninsula in Croatia, a popular international tourist destination. It concludes that French bank Crédit Agricole's support for the project is inconsistent with the bank's climate ambitions and its own sector policy on coal-fired power plants. according to a new study released today.

After Slovenia's Sostanj coal power plant debacle, is any bank going to finance Croatia's Plomin C?


Slovenia's newly built Sostanj 6 is expected to generate losses of around EUR 200 million over the next 3-4 years. Given that Croatia's Plomin C project shares some of Sostanj 6's features could Croatia be about to repeat its neighbour's mistakes?

Exhibition brings coal-affected communities in Colombia and Croatia a step closer together


A photo exhibition in Croatia is connecting the dots between communities in Colombia and the Istrian coast that are negatively affected by coal.

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