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Balkan coal news

Blog entry | March 8, 2012

Poland is on course to place further large roadblocks in the way of the European Commission's Roadmap 2050 towards a low-carbon economy unless certain demands being insisted on by Warsaw are met. These include the granting of free allowances for all 16 power plants that Poland has asked to be supported under the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme.

EU Funds
Energy & climate
Blog entry | July 5, 2011

18 000 people from around the world have asked the Slovene government to adopt a future proof National Energy Plan that doesn't rely on fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Bankwatch research coordinator Pippa Gallop took part in handing over the list of signatories yesterday and points out that European public banks also need to take the message seriously.

Energy & climate
Press release | January 14, 2011

Ljubljana, Slovenia -- Campaign groups today lambasted the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (EBRD) signature of a 200 million euros loan for the Sostanj thermal power plant in Slovenia [1], calling it a blatant affront to Slovenia's long-term climate targets. The signing also fails to await the outcome of a governmental review of the controversial project, expected in mid-February.

Energy & climate