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Oops ... Poland did it again aka standing in the way of climate progress


Just a few weeks before leading international climate negotiations at the COP 19 in Warsaw, and in the face of the new IPCC report’s dire conclusions, the Polish government is again obstructing European emissions reduction ambitions.

When loyalty blocks climate action - Polish parliament pledges allegiance


The Polish government has a sad reputation for adopting unilateral, even obscure approaches when it comes to our country’s energy policy. What now came as a very disappointing surprise is that the Polish parliament joined the opportunistic chorus of denial - one that considers alternatives to the continued reliance on fossil fuels as a threat to Poland’s security.

Poland rejects EU money for jobs and energy independence at Environment Council


Poland's veto against increasing Europe's 2020 target for greenhouse gas emissions cuts to 25% is frustrating not only environmentalists in Poland and elsewhere.

Polish energy companies' black propaganda threatens EU climate ambitions again


Poland is on course to place further large roadblocks in the way of the European Commission's Roadmap 2050 towards a low-carbon economy unless certain demands being insisted on by Warsaw are met. These include the granting of free allowances for all 16 power plants that Poland has asked to be supported under the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme.

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