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Balkan coal news

Press release | January 26, 2016

Brussels/Prague, 25 January 2016 – EU billions destined to transform the carbon-intensive, inefficient energy systems of central and eastern Europe are being misspent, finds a new report today by CEE Bankwatch Network and Friends of the Earth Europe. Bad spending plans and a lack of climate commitments from nine central and eastern European governments is hampering Europe’s transition away from fossil fuels, the groups say.

EU Funds
Energy & climate
Resource efficiency
Bankwatch in the media | January 12, 2016

China is awfully torn between coal power reduction and further growing its exports.

When the OECD agreed to restrict subsidies for coal-fired power plants’ exports, both investors and the press had a field day. It was a big step in curbing the growth of global coal-fired power generation and it could have been a phenomenal day for the power industry--except that China, the biggest elephant in the room, was missing when the coal power reduction pact was made.

Energy & climate
China, coal
Bankwatch in the media | December 11, 2015

Marquée par un demi siècle de productivisme forcené au temps du communisme, la Roumanie fait aujourd’hui figure de bon élève dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Entre 1989 et 2013, Bucarest a fait chuter ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 65%. Mais cela est surtout dû à la désindustrialisation accélérée plus qu’à une politique environnementale volontariste. Explications.

Energy & climate
CEE, coal, COP21, Romania
Bankwatch in the media | November 28, 2015

- Zabili mi wszystkie ryby i jeszcze bezczelnie kłamią, że nic się nie stało - mówi Roman Iwanowicz Depa i pokazuje zdjęcia.

Depa hoduje ryby w zbiorniku wodnym przy elektrociepłowni w Dobrotworze. Siłownia należy do oligarchy Rinata Achmatowa i jego koncernu DTEK. W noc przed wyborami prezydenckimi z 24 na 25 maja zeszłego roku w elektrowni doszło do awarii i do jeziora wypuszczono wodę o temperaturze ponad 40 st. Dopuszczalna norma to 32 st.

Energy & climate
CEE, coal, Ukraine
Bankwatch in the media | November 26, 2015

Pristina is moving towards a deal with US-based ContourGlobal on the planned Kosova e Re power plant, which at a cost of €1bn will be the largest investment in the country’s history.

The government says the project will solve Kosovo’s chronic electricity shortages by replacing the aging Kosova A thermal power plant - considered Europe’s worst polluter - with a modern 500MW plant. However, the strong opposition to the plans to build a new coal-fired power plant close to the capital could add to the ongoing unrest within Kosovo.

Energy & climate