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Romania not yet ‘super green’ in long term energy aims, says Bankwatch

Source: Natalia Martian, Business Review

Romania can access EUR 30.6 billion in 2014-2020 through five European funds initiatives, and authorities are interested in a high level of absorption, though complementary programs developed by the government are practically non-existent, a Bankwatch Romania press release announces.

The statement comes as the CEE Bankwatch Network has released its “Climate’s Enfantes Terribles” Report.

Romanian Court Rejects Environmental Permit for Coal Mining Expansion

Source: Simona Drevenšek, Energetika-Net

Last week the Bucharest court annulled the environment permit for the felling of another 159 hectares of forest in Gorj country, effectively preventing the expansion of the Rosia lignite mine, said the Prague-based environmental NGO, CEE Bankwatch.

COP21 : la Roumanie respire mieux depuis la fin du communisme

Source: Le Courrier des Balkans, Le Courrier des Balkans

Marquée par un demi siècle de productivisme forcené au temps du communisme, la Roumanie fait aujourd’hui figure de bon élève dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Entre 1989 et 2013, Bucarest a fait chuter ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 65%. Mais cela est surtout dû à la désindustrialisation accélérée plus qu’à une politique environnementale volontariste. Explications.

Development days in Romania

As part of the Romania Development Camp and together with representatives from the EU, OECD and the development platform CONCORD, Bankwatchers discussed the incoherent priorities of the EU when it comes to human rights and development, focusing specifically on fossil fuel projects in Azerbaijan as a test case.

Romanian environmental inspectorate orders closure of two coal plants operating outside EU pollution laws

Last week the Environmental Inspectorate in Hunedoara, Romania demanded the closure of two thermal power plants at Mintia and Paroşeni, because neither of the units complies with air quality requirements of the EU’s Large Combustion Plants Directive (LCPD). Hunedoara Energy Complex, which manages the Mintia and Paroşeni plants, has challenged the decision in court.

Victories piling up: 130 more hectares of forest saved from lignite mining in Romania

Bucharest - A Romanian court has accepted a petition filed by Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, and cancelled the environmental permit which allowed cutting down 130 hectares of forests - equivalent to approximately 260 football pitches - to make way for the expansion of the Pinoasa lignite open pit.

Romanian government is seeking financial support in China for time travel into a lignite past


The renewables capacity installed in Romania has grown tenfold in the last five years and constitutes 23 percent of Romania's installed energy capacity. Still, the government is pushing for new lignite-fired power plants.

Forests sitting on lignite saved in Romania


Bankwatch and Greenpeace won a court case* in Romania this week, which will effectively prevent 59 hectares (the equivalent of 118 football pitches) of forest from being destroyed by the expansion of one of the open-pit coal mines that supplies Rovinari, one of the largest coal plants in Romania.

Enel drops coal power plant project in Romania

After a five year planning and permitting process, and citing economic reasons, Italian energy giant Enel announced last month that it will not now be moving forward with a coal-fired power plant project in Romania. The company had been working on the project – a proposed 800 MW facility to have been sited in Galati, at an estimated cost of EUR 1 billion – since before the outbreak of the economic crisis, since when progress has been slow.

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