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9 reasons why the EU's bank is no climate leader

In the run-up to, during and now, with a global deal reached, after the Paris climate summit, the world’s largest public lender, the European Investment Bank (EIB), is positioning itself as a climate pioneer. But is the bank really fit for this role? Can the EIB make a break from its history of financing fossil fuels and polluting forms of transportation after decades of cosy relations with the biggest culprits?

COP21 : la Roumanie respire mieux depuis la fin du communisme

Source: Le Courrier des Balkans, Le Courrier des Balkans

Marquée par un demi siècle de productivisme forcené au temps du communisme, la Roumanie fait aujourd’hui figure de bon élève dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Entre 1989 et 2013, Bucarest a fait chuter ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 65%. Mais cela est surtout dû à la désindustrialisation accélérée plus qu’à une politique environnementale volontariste. Explications.

9 reasons why the EU's bank is no climate leader


The European Investment Bank's track record stands in stark contrast to its pose as a hero in the fight against climate change.

Corporates at COP

Source: Elena Nikolovska, The Verb

As the climate talks roll on in Paris, there’s a certain smell in the air. It isn’t the apples or chocolate being handed out at the entrance to the conference centre, nor the popular free coffees being handed out by the German government. It’s the smell of greenwashing. And this isn’t the first time.

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