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Oltenia Energy Complex

Success: Romanian government promises to respect property of villagers threatened by coal mine


After months of protests and the people in Runcurel, a small town in Romania that is to be swallowed by a lignite mine, have finally received positive news from the Romanian government. During a meeting with Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, the Minister for Energy Vlad Grigorescu confirmed that the government will do more to protect locals and their houses.

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[Campaign update] Romanian government sued over unlawful expropriation of mining community


After decades of putting up with noise and dust, people in Runcurel, Romania are being told they are in the way of national interest. Together with the two civil society organisations, land owners are challenging the government's decision and the coal company's actions.

Turceni coal unit in Romania shut down after operating illegally


The shut down of a coal-fired power plant unit is another great success for the climate and for clean air in Romania. Many more units may have to follow according to legislation on pollution limits.

Success: 391 hectares of Romanian forest saved in 2015


With one more positive court decision just before the end of the year, Bankwatch Romania had a lot to celebrate in 2015.

[Campaign update] Romanian government support for controversial power plant project to be made public, EBRD loan cancelled


Bankwatch’s Romanian chapter has been granted access to environmental information included in a letter sent by Romania's Ministry of Economy in support of a loan from the Euoprean Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to Oltenia Energy Complex (OEC), Bucharest's administrative court ruled yesterday.

The letter will shed light on the nature and extent of the government's support for the project, and whether it was in line with EU regulations.

Unpaid coal bill: Romanian coal exports to Serbia marred by corruption


A dodgy deal to export coal from Romania to Serbia has left the Romanian state-owned coal supplier with a potential seven million euros write-off.

Bankwatch stops cutting of another 22 hectares of forest for coal mining in Romania


In a file launched by Bankwatch in 2014, a Romanian court annulled [ro] 27 deforestation permits last week, preventing 22 hectares of forest in the country’s south-west to be cut for the expansion of an open-pit coal mine.

[Campaign update] Rovinari power plant put on ice


A silver lining has appeared for the people of Rovinari with the set-up of a joint venture for a new lignite-fired power plant being put on hold. The town of Rovinari already suffers under heavy pollution from the existing plant.

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