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Balkan coal news

Press release | March 19, 2015

The Western Balkans countries have strong electricity export ambitions that create the danger of stranded assets, finds a new report launched by CEE Bankwatch Network today. If governments take electricity expansion decisions without taking due account of developments in other countries, the region will have to compete with other nearby exporters and may find that its power plants become uneconomic.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | March 19, 2015

Today we've published a new report analysing future energy trends in countries of the western Balkans.

From a robust dataset we researched together with the University of Groningen and the consultancy 'The Advisory House', we've pulled out a couple of illustrations.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Press release | March 12, 2015

Bucharest - A Romanian court has accepted a petition filed by Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, and cancelled the environmental permit which allowed cutting down 130 hectares of forests - equivalent to approximately 260 football pitches - to make way for the expansion of the Pinoasa lignite open pit.

Energy & climate
Other harmful projects
Blog entry | March 12, 2015

A debate over coal mining limits in the Czech Republic shows that mining communities in EU countries are facing similar struggles as in other parts of the world. It also illustrates how “securing energy supply” has become a catch-all argument even when the energy demand in no way justifies it.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | March 11, 2015

Planned new coal capacities will result in high additional costs for Energy Community countries. Transforming their energy sectors into efficient, sustainable renewables-based systems is not only possible but a cost-effective way forward.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts