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Balkan coal news

Blog entry | June 12, 2015

Slovenia's newly built Sostanj 6 is expected to generate losses of around EUR 200 million over the next 3-4 years. Given that Croatia's Plomin C project shares some of Sostanj 6's features could Croatia be about to repeat its neighbour's mistakes?

Commercial banks
Energy & climate
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Press release | June 8, 2015

Prague - New investments in coal mines and power plants could cost the Western Balkans and Ukraine dearly if they fail to take into account binding rules on subsidies (State aid), according to a new briefing released today by CEE Bankwatch Network.

Energy & climate
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Bankwatch in the media | June 8, 2015

Investicije u rudnike uglja i termoelektrane mogle bi skupo koštati države zapadnog Balkana i Ukrajinu, ako i dalje budu dodeljivane subvencije za te projekte.

To je pokazala studija koju je danas objavila mreža CEE Bankwatch Network.

Preferencijalni krediti i garancije za te projekte striktno su definisana pravilima iz Sporazuma o Energetskoj zajednici, koji je stupio na snagu 2006. a države potpisnice i dalje planiraju nove termoelektrane na ugalj i rudnike bez obraćanja pažnje na rizike te državne pomoći, navodi se u saopštenju Centra za ekologiju i održivi razvoj (CEKOR).

Energy & climate
Bankwatch in the media | May 19, 2015

Balkan countries and Ukraine are making "substantial investments" in polluting coal power stations to sell cheap electricity to the European Union, as the bloc searches for new suppliers to reduce its dependence on Russian gas.

EU officials appear reluctant to use energy negotiations next month, or trade law, to force higher air pollution and environmental standards, despite the risks the rush poses to EU climate change and enlargement policies, and to finances and public health in the Balkans.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | April 21, 2015

A dodgy deal to export coal from Romania to Serbia has left the Romanian state-owned coal supplier with a potential seven million euros write-off.

Energy & climate
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