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Balkan coal news

Press release | March 30, 2015

Labin, Croatia – 94 percent of voters have today rejected the proposed new 500 MW Plomin C coal power plant [1] in a local referendum in Croatia. Residents of five districts of Istria County answered a resounding 'No' to the question "Are you in favour of building the Plomin C power plant to run on coal?"

Energy & climate
Balkans, coal, EU, Plomin
Blog entry | March 24, 2015

A photo exhibition in Croatia is connecting the dots between communities in Colombia and the Istrian coast that are negatively affected by coal.

Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Blog entry | March 24, 2015

Almost all respondants to a consultation on the Plomin power plant do not want a new unit running on coal.

Energy & climate
Blog entry | March 23, 2015

Western Balkan countries have ambitious plans to increase their electricity generation over the next years. But what will happen if they all become a regional energy hub? Will there be a demand for all the available electricity?

Chinese investors
Commercial banks
Energy & climate
Social & economic impacts
Bankwatch in the media | March 20, 2015

A growing apetite for new power plants, mainly coal-fired, in the western Balkans could end up with many of them becoming `white elephants, a study released by CEE Bankwatch Network on March 19 warns. Media across the region reported on the findings:

Energy & climate