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Expert analysis confirms Croatian Plomin C coal plant is economically unfeasible


Responding to the lack of official economic data for Croatia's Plomin C coal project, a new analysis finds that the project is highly risky.

Credit Agricole ne želi financirati TE Plomin C

Source: , energetika-net

Marubenijev financijski savjetnik neće financirati TE na ugljen u bogatijim zemljama

Major blow for Croatian coal plant as Crédit Agricole announces new coal power policy

Paris, France - Today's publication of new criteria for coal-fired power plant financing by French bank Crédit Agricole suggests that the bank will not be able to finance the controversial €800 million Plomin C coal power plant in Croatia, believe campaign groups. The policy now rules out finance for coal power plants in high-income countries, which includes Croatia.

Međunarodna kampanja protiv Plomina C

Source: unknown author, Radio Labin

Otpor protiv izgradnje termoelektrane Plomin C nastavlja jačati na međunarodnoj razini. Jučer su protiv ovog projekta održane dvije akcije – u Parizu i Zagrebu. Cilj obje akcije je prisiliti francusku banku Crédit Agricole, koja je preuzela ulogu financijskog savjetnika za Plomin C, da se povuče iz ovog projekta.

U Parizu prosvjed zbog Plomina C

Source: unknown author, Glas Istre

Prosvjedna okupljanja protiv izgradnje TE Plomin C održana su ovih dana u Parizu i Zagrebu. Njihov cilj bio je prisiliti veliku francusku banku Crédit Agricole da se povuče iz ovog projekta. Ta je banka, inače, izabrana za financijskog savjetnika japanske tvrtke Marubeni u poslu oko izgradnje novog bloka plominske termoelektrane.

Crédit Agricole violating own coal policies with new Croatian power plant support - new report

French bank Crédit Agricole's support for a proposed major new coal plant project in Croatia is inconsistent with the bank's climate ambitions and its own sector policy on coal-fired power plants, according to a new study released today. The analysis, by Friends of the Earth France and Croatia, Zelena Istra, CEE Bankwatch Network and BankTrack, screens the risks of the 500 megawatt Plomin C project proposed for development in the picturesque Istrian peninsula, a popular international tourist destination.

Guest post: Croatia and the Energy Union: the European Commission's unwarranted obsession with gas


Building the Energy Union, the European Commission pretends that all is well for renewables in Croatia and unnecessarily fixates on diversifying gas supply instead of managing demand.

94 percent against new coal power plant in Croatian local referendum

Labin, Croatia – 94 percent of voters have today rejected the proposed new 500 MW Plomin C coal power plant [1] in a local referendum in Croatia. Residents of five districts of Istria County answered a resounding 'No' to the question "Are you in favour of building the Plomin C power plant to run on coal?"

[Campaign update] 92 percent of public consultation respondents against Plomin C coal power plant


Almost all respondants to a consultation on the Plomin power plant do not want a new unit running on coal.

Planned contract for Plomin C coal plant most likely illegal state aid, says legal analysis

Zagreb, 05.05.2014 - A planned long-term power purchase agreement in which Croatian electricity company HEP will commit to buying at least 50% of electricity from the planned Plomin C power plant for 20-30 years will most likely be illegal under EU state aid rules, according to a new legal analysis by Hungary's Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA).

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