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Czech government pushes people to edge in new coal mine expansion

Prague - In a landmark decision today, the Czech Republic reversed a quarter century-old ban that prohibited the expansion of surface mining in an area of Northern Bohemia, allowing excavation in close vicinity of homes of more than 120 000 people.

Public action: Mourning the demise of Czech responsibility for climate action


Video and pictures from a public action agains lifting the coal mining limits in the Czech Republic that so far have saved towns from being resettled.

Investigation launched into Mongolian iron ore mine financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for impacts on local communities

Updated September 10, 2015*

Amsterdam/Ulaanbaatar/Prague - Last week, the independent accountability mechanism of the EBRD announced it will investigate *the Bank's compliance with its environmental and social standards at a mine it finances and is operated by Altain Khuder in the Gobi-Altai region of Mongolia. The investigation comes in response to a complaint filed to the EBRD’s Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) in December 2014 from herders affected by the project.

Czech coal mining communities are under threat


A debate over coal mining limits in the Czech Republic shows that mining communities in EU countries are facing similar struggles as in other parts of the world. It also illustrates how “securing energy supply” has become a catch-all argument even when the energy demand in no way justifies it.

UPDATE 7: Juncker on the investment offensive ... against Europeans, the economy and the environment

Labelled the €1.3 trillion investment offensive, more than 2000 projects have been identified by the European Commission’s new Task Force on Investment (made up of representatives of the EC, EIB and member states) for fast-tracked financing from President Juncker’s recently announced €315 billion stimulus plan.

Dust, displacement, intimidation - Mongolian herders are under pressure by iron ore mine


Herders in the Mongolian Gobi Altai mountains are facing pollution and displacement by an iron ore mine. The mining company Altain Khuder responds to criticism with intimidation. The financier, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is not doing enough to protect herders’ rights.

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