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Бенквоч в прессе

Actu Environment | 09.02.2012

Le réseau Bankwatch a réalisé une évaluation de la prise en compte des objectifs environnementaux et climatiques dans les investissements soutenus par les fonds de cohésion. La Commission cherche à accentuer leur cohérence écologique.

Palestine News Network | 09.02.2012

Brussels/Belgium-A report has just been released highlighting the potential for green job creation in the next EU budget, 2014-20. This analysis builds on previous work by the UNEP and shows that funding of sustainable infrastructures and environmental programs can create employment at a lower cost than the current Common Agricultural and Cohesion policies.

The report was commissioned by an alliance of leading environmental NGOs, and released in the European Parliament to an audience of MEPs.

Business Green | 09.02.2012

Green groups call on Commission to redirect budget into environmental sectors, as ministers prepare for next Energy Council meeting in Brussels

The European Commission has been urged to redirect some of its €1tr budget into green sectors such as sustainable transport and energy efficient construction, after a new report found that doing so could boost the number of green jobs by 320 per cent.

New Europe | 09.02.2012

By funding environmental programmes, the European Union can create more jobs at a lower cost, according to a new WWF report by an alliance of environmental non-governmental organisations.

The report found that by giving money to green projects rather than the 2014-2020 budget, thousands of additional jobs can be created. While the EU spent nearly €1 trillion in its last budget, it did not conduct an analysis of job creation.

Australian Associated Press | 03.02.2012

Mongolia is not being short-changed as foreign miners rush to take a slice of its enormous mineral wealth, Australian explorers operating in the vast Asian nation say.

The Parliament Magazine | 03.02.2012

A new report claims that "substantial" environmental and social harm is being caused by EU-funded projects.

Friends of the Earth Europe and CEE Bankwatch Network mapped 33 "harmful" projects in central and eastern Europe with total costs of €16bn.

ENDS Europe | 03.02.2012

Member states are opposing proposals to earmark some cohesion funds for low-carbon projects under the next EU budget and to make funding conditional on compliance with environmental laws, according to green groups.

Inter Press Service | 02.02.2012

Tientallen door de Europese Unie (EU) gefinancierde projecten zijn slecht voor het milieu of sociaal onwenselijk. CEE Bankwatch Network en Friends of the Earth Europe hebben vandaag (donderdag) in Brussel een kaart met 33 "foute" projecten gepubliceerd.

Het gaat om projecten die al van start zijn gegaan of waarvan nog beoordeeld wordt of ze voor financiering in aanmerking komen. In totaal is er 16 miljard euro gemoeid met de initiatieven.

EFE | 02.02.2012

Bruselas, 2 feb (EFE).- La organización ecologista Amigos de la Tierra Europa denunció hoy que parte de los fondos de cohesión de la Unión Europea (UE) va a parar a proyectos que resultan dañinos para el medio ambiente y pidió que se endurezca la normativa europea para impedirlo.

Global Voices Online | 02.02.2012

Mining projects in Mongolia promise development of social and economic infrastructure and a way to alleviate poverty, but on the wayside, local communities near the mines are feeling the negative impact as their environment and traditional livelihoods are affected.
