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Бенквоч в прессе

Recycling Portal | 17.10.2011

The Czech Republic plans to build three new incinerators with EU regional funds available for big waste management projects in the current EU budget (2007-2013). According to information provided to CEE Bankwatch Network by the Czech State Environmental Fund, a mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) would be three times cheaper per installed ton capacity to build than incinerators. This difference will eventually be passed on to the households in price for waste management.

ENDS Europe | 14.10.2011

MEPs and member states must ban the use of EU cohesion funds for incinerator projects when they legislate on the European Commission's package of proposals to overhaul cohesion policy, according to green group CEE Bankwatch.

20 minuten online | 08.10.2011

Die Bedenken gegenüber der Stromproduktion aus Kohle wachsen. Doch die Schweiz beteiligt sich weiter finanziell an Kraftwerken - auch an solchen, die negative Schlagzeilen machen.

Balkan Insight | 06.10.2011

Belgrade's Special Court has ordered an investigation into the former director of Serbia's strip mining complex and 16 others on suspicion that they incurred financial damages to the company worth over €10 million.

Financial Times | 04.10.2011

The arrest of a former mining boss on the Macedonia-Greece border might seem far from the corridors of Brussels, but the desire for EU membership takes many forms.

ENDS Europe | 26.09.2011

Green corridors have an important role to play in delivering new transport policy goals in the European Commission's March white paper, the Polish EU presidency said at a conference held in Szczecin, Poland, last week.

Portal Pomorze | 22.09.2011

PELPLIN. Nie odbyła się zaplanowana na 20 września debata o elektrowni węglowej w Rajkowach z udziałem niezależnych ekspertów, przedstawicieli inwestora oraz samych mieszkańców. Zdaniem władz gminy zabrakło czasu na jej organizację. Trwają negocjacje nad nowym terminem.

EurActiv | 22.09.2011

The Czech Republic's intention to hand out free CO2 allowances to CEZ, an already profitable energy company, would turn it into a dominant actor on the EU energy market and paradoxically threaten competition, writes Barbora Hanzlova, from the Centre for Transport and Energy, a Prague-based non-profit group.

Deutscher Naturschutzring | 22.09.2011

Im Rahmen des Europäischen NGO-Forums zur Kohäsionspolitik-Reform 2014–2020 im September in Wandlitz haben die TeilnehmerInnen aus 15 Europäischen Ländern ein Statement verabschiedet, das jetzt online veröffentlicht wurde.

European Voice | 15.09.2011

New approach to energy deals could cause some problems.