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Бенквоч в прессе

Saarländische Online-Zeitung | 02.02.2012

Berlin – Die Umweltschutz und Menschenrechtsorganisation Urgewald, CEE Bankwatch und OT Watch veröffentlichen diese Woche den Bericht über eine Recherchereise in die Mongolei (1). Darin stehen die Auswirkungen des Bergbaubooms auf die lokale Bevölkerung im Mittelpunkt. Sie werden in der Berichterstattung über den geplanten Börsengang von Tavan Tolgoi, dem weltgrößten unerschlossenem Kohlegebiet, weitgehend ignoriert (2).

BBC Kyrgyzstan | 02.02.2012

Эл аралык финансы уюмдарынын ишмердүүлүгүнө байкоо салган, Кошмо штаттарындагы Bankwatch Network аттуу уюм, Борбор Азиядагы алтындын эң ири кени болуп эсептелген Ысык-Көлдүн Барскон деген жеринде алтын казган Канадалык “Центерра Гоулд” компаниясын айлана-чөйрөгө олуттуу зыян келтирип жатканын жаап-жашырууда, деп айыптап чыкты.

Уюмдун билдирүүсүндө, “Центерра Гоулд” жергиликтүү дарыя-булактардын суусун химикаттар менен ууландырып, бүтүндөй Борбор Азия аймагынын суу булагы болгон мөнгүлөргө коркунуч келтиргени айтылат.

EUObserver | 02.02.2012

BRUSSELS - Waste incinerators instead of recycling, highways running through nature parks, airports in protected areas - 33 projects in central and eastern Europe funded with €16 billion out of the EU's regional policy coffers are "environmentally harmful", says a study published on Thursday (2 February) by Friends of the Earth Europe and Bankwatch, a coalition of environmental NGOs.

"These 33 projects are economically dubious, socially harmful and in breach of environmental law," Markus Trilling from Friends of the Earth Europe said during a press briefing.

epo.de | 01.02.2012

Berlin. - Deutsche Unternehmen haben sich in einer Roffstoff-Allianz zusammengeschlossen, um sich gemeinsam an Rohstoff-Projekten im Ausland zu beteiligen. Die Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), Gudrun Kopp, sieht darin eine Chance für Entwicklungsländer, ihre Einnahmen zu steigern. Die Erlöse müssten aber der Allgemeinheit in den rohstoffreichen Ländern zugute kommen.

eurasianet | 31.01.2012

Two new studies say that Kumtor, Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine, as well as a major government revenue source, routinely ignores national environmental legislation and restricts access to independent auditors. The mine’s operations could have a far-reaching, detrimental effect on Central Asia’s water supply, one of the reports suggests.

AFP | 30.01.2012

BEIJING — Mining in southern Mongolia is threatening the livelihoods of herders and straining water supplies, a report said Monday, as foreign companies race to exploit the country's rich mineral deposits.

Nouvel Observateur | 23.01.2012

La construction du premier tronçon de l’autoroute entre Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg a commencé. Une route de 43 kms qui passe en plein cœur de la forêt de Khimki, au grand dam des écologistes. Un chantier confié à la société Vinci Concession. Reportage.

EurActiv | 23.01.2012

The EU’s next budget is likely to include the first-ever binding document setting “stronger” and “clearer” objectives for regional funds to support sustainable development.

European Voice | 10.01.2012

The EIB now promotes clean energy more – but fossil fuels still dominate its energy portfolio.

The National | 09.01.2012

The EIB lends more to the energy sector than to any other, except transport - and its €72bn total loan portfolio last year made it a bigger lender than the World Bank.