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Бенквоч в прессе

Environmental Finance | 18.05.2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for the investments made in the 2012-14 phase of its sustainable energy initiative (SEI).

Morocco World News | 18.05.2012

At the current conjuncture, the lack of job opportunities in Morocco can be a lurking threat to the government’s viability and, eventually, to the country’s stability. Those who believe that Morocco is out of the danger zone may have to reconsider their appraisal of the situation. Faced with all sorts of hurdles ranging from financial to infrastructural ones, the government is still pondering how to fulfill their promises. The domestic growth seems entrapped in a status quo due to the budget deficit and the consecutive seasons of drought that paralyze agriculture, one of the key sectors in the Moroccan economy. The public sector burdened with public expenses can no longer lift the weight of job demands among Moroccan youth.

Emerging Markets | 17.05.2012

Almost half of EBRD funding for energy projects in the six years to 2011 was devoted to fossil fuels despite its commitment to tackling climate change, a campaign group has claimed.

Reuters | 17.05.2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is lending excessively to polluting fossil fuel projects, especially coal, undermining its own sustainable energy strategy, NGO Bankwatch said in a report released on Thursday.

DNR | 11.05.2012

Der Ministerrat für Allgemeine Angelegenheiten hat am 24. April erstmals die Vorschläge der EU-Kommission zum Mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen und zur Kohäsionspolitik diskutiert. In der Diskussion forderten mehrere Mitgliedstaaten Einschnitte in allen Bereichen aufgrund der aktuellen Wirtschaftslage.

Reuters | 09.05.2012

LJUBLJANA/PARIS, April 20 (Reuters) - Slovenia has taken a step toward providing government loan guarantees that would enable completion of a controversial 1.3 billion euro ($1.7 billion) power plant upgrade awarded four years ago to French engineering company Alstom.

Wall Street Journal | 09.05.2012

Two of Europe's largest development banks are probing allegations that Slovene officials helped French engineering giant Alstom SA scuttle a rival bid by Siemens AG involving work on a €700 million ($927.8 million) power plant in Slovenia.

Business New Europe | 07.05.2012

Smaller cities across Poland are busy pumping millions into new airports, claiming that if they build it, passengers and investors will come. However, others worry these air hubs are no more than white elephants that will struggle to get off the ground.