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Бенквоч в прессе

Bloomberg | 31.05.2012

Poland broke European Union law when unbuilt power stations were permitted to apply for free carbon allowances last year, Greenpeace and three other climate charities said.

Tunisia Live | 25.05.2012

With its sights set on Tunisia and other countries in the southern and eastern Mediterranean (SEMED), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) declared at a recent summit in London that it is breaking away from the free-market approach it employed to shore up the economies of Eastern European states in the post-Cold War period.

The Guardian | 24.05.2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development faces some tough calls as it tries to revive Egypt's economic fortunes.

Morocco World News | 24.05.2012

Faced with a lack of opportunities and disempowerment in their societies, women’s journey towards self-assertion is more effort consuming.

blue & green tomorrow | 23.05.2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has revealed plans to invest €6.5 billion in cutting carbon emissions, just days after a report by Bankwatch suggested that the EBRD’s investment strategy was undermining its sustainability strategy.

Huffington Post | 21.05.2012

Although delayed, the TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is almost a go despite community resistance from the Canadian border to Texas refineries. Politics will determine when the pipeline will launch. Proponents argue that the pipeline will reduce U.S. dependence on Middle East oil. Opponents raise environmental concerns. But the discourse, dominated by national security, jobs, and pollution, mostly ignores oil extraction and pipeline impacts on women

The Guardian | 20.05.2012

I wonder if David Cameron spent any time in eastern Europe in the 1990s.

al-Ahram | 20.05.2012

Euro development bank says promoting democratic freedoms is its main goal after it agrees 1 billion euro fund for Egypt and other Arab nations.

Naharnet | 19.05.2012

Four Arab countries are expected this year to start witnessing major foreign investments after the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development established a one billion euro ($1.28 billion) fund, excluding Lebanon from the process for allegedly failing to ask the lending body to carry out a technical assessment on the country.

Reuters | 19.05.2012

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's president-elect said the bank's role in promoting democracy through its investments would be a central focus for his term, as the EBRD agreed a 1 billion euro fund for North Africa.