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Бенквоч в прессе

Agence France Presse (AFP) | 20.05.2011

ASTANA — Près de vingt ans après l'implosion de l'URSS, la Berd a souligné vendredi les immenses défis économiques qui restent à surmonter dans les pays de l'ex-bloc socialiste, lors de son assemblée annuelle organisée au Kazakhstan.

Emerging Markets | 20.05.2011

The development bank said that it remains interested in financing a controversial Russian motorway project, despite violent attacks on protestors.

Environmental Finance | 12.05.2011

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has an explicit environmental mandate. But, 20 years after its creation, how is it doing? There'

EurActiv | 05.05.2011

European Commission proposals to introduce project bonds are beset by deficiencies and shrouded in commercial secrecy, write Isabella Besedova of the CEE Bankwatch Network in an exclusive op-ed for EurActiv.

The Nation | 04.05.2011

Time is running out for Russian activists hoping to stop the construction of a highway through an old growth forest outside of Moscow. In an eleventh hour campaign, the Movement to Defend Khimki Forest is targeting the French company overseeing the controversial project. Vinci, one of Europe’s largest corporations, signed the contract for the Moscow-St. Petersburg motorway in 2009 and could begin the first phase of development this month. The 43-kilometer section will slice through the heart of an old growth oak forest, an important corridor for large game and home to numerous endangered plant species, as well as a cherished greenbelt on the edge of one of the world’s most polluted cities.

Comment Visions | 26.04.2011

As a start, lumping together all low-carbon technologies is not the most advisable approach to win public support for new, low-carbon technologies.

The Guardian | 19.04.2011

The European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development have failed to prevent corruption and social injustice

EuObserver | 19.04.2011

EU leaders have called on neighbouring states including Russia and Ukraine to carry out 'stress tests' on their nuclear plants.

BBC | 19.04.2011

Twenty years on from its creation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) may think it is time to reconsider, or at least extend, its remit.

New Europe | 28.03.2011

Over the next three years, the European Commission is planning to channel seven billion euro for the Southern Mediterranean through the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). But the track record of these two banks raises serious questions over their ability to support democratisation in the region.