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Study | June 18, 2013

This study reviews the development of greenfield hydro projects in Georgia and explores how current energy sector trends in the country relate – or otherwise – to sustainable energy principles.

Policy comments | May 30, 2013

Experience with the implementation of the Environmental and Social Policy in the case of several controversial projects suggests that the EBRD's environmental and social safeguards are not robust enough and need strengthened. The case of the Kolubara coal mine 'Environmental Improvement' project, Serbia illustrates how the policy places most responsibilities on the client, and EBRD assessment and monitoring are excessively reliant on input from the client, even in cases when feedback from NGOs and communities consistently contradicts the claims of the project sponsor.

Policy comments | May 30, 2013

The explicit recognition of the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework in the EBRD's draft transport strategy is welcome and serves as a useful guiding principle on where investments should be concentrated. However, how this principle is applied in practice is not explained throughout the document and the bank's planned activities need to be more clearly linked to this framework in the document.

Advocacy letter | May 28, 2013

The letter brings the resettlement and expropriation issues that are connected to the Kolubara lignite mine to the attention of the EU's representation in Serbia. Enclosed were recent letters to the EBRD and the Serbian finance minister (pdf) as well as a guardian article that illustrates the urgency of these problems.

Briefing | May 27, 2013

This analysis looks to the proposed loan of the EBRD to Kuwait energy, scheduled for approval on 29 May.

Primary findings are that:

  • The EBRD failed to properly identify the beneficiary of the loan, or the country where it is incorporated (the tax haven Jersey).
  • The fossil fuel nature of Kuwait Energy's drilling will fail to improve development or social justice in Egypt. While the EBRD claims to prioritise renewable energy, the reality shows a commitment to further oil & gas extraction, one of the few sectors that can easily attract capital.
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Leaflet | May 21, 2013

This poster examines positive and negative examples of the European Investment Bank's energy projects. It illustrates why it matters what will be in the future energy lending policy of the EU's bank.

See an interactive version of the poster >>>

Policy comments | May 19, 2013

These comments on the existing Project Complaint Mechanism of the EBRD expands in a few places the pointers on the accountability mechanism that were prepared earlier.

Advocacy letter | May 14, 2013

The open letter - signed by Srpski Centar Ekologije, Uneco Kolubara, and Bankwatch member group CEKOR - raises issues with resettlement and expropriations connected to the Kolubara lignite mine that are not adequately addressed.

Briefing | May 13, 2013

“Community energy projects” are energy projects providing for direct benefits to a group of local shareholders. The opportunity for residents to develop and own green energy infrastructure or to jointly leverage untapped energy saving potential, represents a range of economic and social opportunities such as job creation, business opportunities, lowering energy bills and acceptance of sustainable energy production.

Advocacy letter | May 13, 2013

A new nature impact assessment of the proposed Ombla hydropower plant showed that the project could harm many of the 68 identified cave species, including the endemic ones. Based on these findings, civil society groups are calling on the EBRD to pull out from the project for which it has approved a EUR 123 million loan.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

A USD 3.7 billion refinery expansion project inside urban Cairo attracting international public development finance, including potentially from the EBRD, is also attracting major controversy as a result of forced evictions, pollution and concerns about the involvement of financial entities linked to the deposed Mubarak regime.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

In a landmark ruling laid out in a March 25 letter to the Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Implementation Commission of the United Nations Espoo Convention has deemed that Ukraine’s plans to expand the lifetime of its old nuclear reactors is in breach of the convention – the same convention that Ukraine ratified in 1999. Ukrainian campaigners believe that this should lead the EBRD to halt the disbursement of a EUR 300 million ‘nuclear safety’ loan agreed with Ukraine’s state nuclear operator just days prior to the issuing of the Espoo verdict.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

The findings of a recent report entitled ‘The unpaid health bill: How coal power plants make us sick’, released by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), detail the health impacts of existing coal in Europe and quantify the associated costs of mortality and chronic respiratory and cardiovascular disease due to coal pollution.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

The EBRD’s new country strategy for Kosovo, announced by the bank on May 3 after Bankwatch Mail Issue 56 went to press, has confirmed what NGOs and others had feared in the consultation process for the EBRD’s first strategy in its new country of operation: that financial support for a new major lignite power plant is very much on the EBRD’s radar, despite evidence that Kosovo does not need such a power plant as well as the potential undermining of EU climate goals.

Bankwatch Mail | May 10, 2013

If there is one sector in which the EBRD has been causing particular controversy in recent years, it is the energy sector. From lignite in Slovenia to hydropower in Georgia and nuclear in Ukraine, the bank has financed a series of projects that have incurred opposition from various quarters. Now that the EBRD is revising its Environmental and Social Policy it's time to take a look at what needs to be learned from these projects.