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Advocacy letter | September 13, 2013

After a week of consultation meetings in Istanbul, Belgrade and Moscow to discuss the EBRD energy sector strategy with EBRD staff, civil society groups turn to the bank's president Suma Chakrabarti as we believe that some of our concerns deserve his attention.

Advocacy letter | August 28, 2013

Given the seriousness of the upcoming consultation meeting on the EBRD's energy lending policy in Belgrade (September 4) and the concern that this should be more than a pro forma exercise, a range of organisations are asking the EBRD in this letter to show genuine commitment to dialogue.

Briefing | August 28, 2013

Any hydropower project no matter the size can cause negative consequences to water basins, associated ecosystems, to climate and affected communities living along the water basins. A large number of individually acceptable projects can also lead to unacceptably high negative cumulative effects. This briefing lays out sustainability criteria that help taking these concerns into account in the strategic planning and implementation of hydropower developments.

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Study | July 29, 2013

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country rich in water and natural resources. The country is one of 2000 priority ecological regions of the planet with unique ecosystems and biodiversity and is considered the “water tower” of Central Asia due to its Tien Shan glacier reserves. The management of Kyrgyzstan’s natural resources is crucial to the future sustainability of the country. However in a region where poverty is widespread, the primacy placed on economic development seriously threats sustainability.

Briefing | July 24, 2013

The EBRD’s draft energy strategy doesn’t have a climate target. It recognizes the urgency of climate action and the fact that the energy sector is the largest greenhouse gas emitter and places energy efficiency and renewable energy at the core of the transition to low carbon economies. The low carbon transition appears to be a central theme of the draft strategy but when it comes to the fossil fuels sector, it only translates into a potential slight reduction in coal investments.

Advocacy letter | July 19, 2013

The letter, signed by nine NGOs, think tanks and an asset management company, acknowledges the positive step the European Investment Bank has taken with its draft policy "EIB and Energy: Delivering Growth, Security and Sustainability" but also suggests a number of elements that need to be tightened to make the EIB's energy lending policy policy fit for purpose in reducing risks of high-carbon lock-in for the EU electricity system.

Briefing | July 18, 2013

“Community energy projects” are energy projects providing for direct benefits to a group of local shareholders. The opportunity for residents to develop and own green energy infrastructure or to jointly leverage untapped energy saving potential, represents a range of economic and social opportunities such as job creation, business opportunities, lowering energy bills and acceptance of sustainable energy production.

Briefing | July 9, 2013

Six environmental NGOs, having been working on the Cohesion policy regulations for several years, provide in this document a detailed analysis on the uptake and safeguards of key environmental issues throughout the negotiations between the three institutions (Parliament, Council and Commission), and recommendations to ensure that the next Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020 better contributes to Europe’s 2020 targets, creates green jobs, enhances economic opportunities and addresses environmental challenges.

Policy comments | July 9, 2013

The EU’s global leadership on climate change is set to take another blow if the European Investment Bank, the EU house bank and one of the world’s largest public lenders, adopts a future energy lending policy as presented yesterday to the public. The draft policy includes weaker standards for lending to coal plants than currently proposed in both the US and Canada.

Advocacy letter | July 2, 2013

A USD 60 million loan to Serinus Energy for a project that involves hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") concessions in Tunisia is being currently considered by the EBRD. In this letter, Tunisian and European organisations urge the EBRD to reject the loan at the next Board meeting or to postpone the decision and undertake proper assessment of its impacts with in-depth consultations of the stakeholders.

Advocacy letter | July 1, 2013

This letter, signed by 38 organisations, urges the European Parliament and the Council of Europe and other European bodies to use their political and financial leverage to ensure that the European Commission does not go ahead with a loan for Ukraine's nuclear reactors until Ukraine resolves the issues regarding its non-compliance with the UN Espoo Convention (more background in this press release.

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Study | June 25, 2013

South-eastern Europe is riddled with poor planning and corruption in the energy sector and its governments are proving slow to react to the challenges and opportunities offered by the decarbonisation agenda.

Advocacy letter | June 20, 2013

In March 2013 the Implementation Committee under the UN Espoo Convention ruled that Ukraine's expansion of the lifetime of its old nuclear reactors is in breach of the Convention (more details in our press release). Nevertheless the European Commission plans to decide on a EURATOM loan for the project.

Briefing | June 18, 2013

“Community energy projects” are energy projects providing for direct benefits to a group of local shareholders. The opportunity for residents to develop and own green energy infrastructure or to jointly leverage untapped energy saving potential, represents a range of economic and social opportunities such as job creation, business opportunities, lowering energy bills and acceptance of sustainable energy production.